After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 982 Pressure from Yu Zecheng

"It's still early, the Bailong people probably haven't arrived yet. You go and verify the number of Bailong people on the dock."

Qiu Hu responded and left.

He Lingchuan asked Reni again: "Where are our stone sculptures?"

"It has been arranged long ago and the Xuan Jing has been put in." There is still plenty of time for preparation.

"Is anyone paying attention?"

"Recently, all the islands have been carrying out large-scale construction projects, and everyone has long been used to it." There are building materials and stones everywhere, and there are clanging lights everywhere. Who wants to take another look at the dusty construction site?

And Min Tianxi finally brought good news to He Lingchuan:

"We have found the relatives of the Bailong people."

He Lingchuan's eyes narrowed: "How did you find it?"

This good news couldn't have come at a better time.

"I think it's not easy to relocate their families. At least there will be a shortage of food. The Bailong people have to transport supplies there every once in a while. This is a clue that can be followed. So I found two salesmen to go to Black Leaf Island to sell some household items. After waiting for a long time, a Bailong man with braided hair finally bought a rattle and two beaded hairpins. The seller took the opportunity to crush the sporulated bee pupa and apply it on it. "

Men usually don't wear beaded flower hairpins, they are probably bought for their wives and daughters.

"Yesterday morning, the Brood Bee Compass finally led us to the shore stronghold of the Bailong people. It turned out to be Baisha County on the edge of Blade Port. They were hiding in a deserted village by the sea. They were mostly women and children. The deserted village was surrounded by mountains. There is water, but the farmland has long been abandoned. That place is actually across the sea from the Yangshan Islands. Taking a boat from Sodin Island to the north, as long as you avoid the undercurrent, the straight-line distance is only about an hour."

He Lingchuan felt slightly relieved and said two good words in succession.

Living in deserted villages can only be a temporary measure, and we must find a foothold later. Based on this alone, he could infer that Wan Qisong had good intentions.

However, after finding Bailong's relatives, he focused on the opponent's weaknesses, and this battle was guaranteed.

He Lingchuan patted Min Tianxi on the shoulder: "Well done, I will mark your contribution!"

He turned around and asked Lu Qiuwei: "Where is Yu Zecheng?"

"Still in the guest room, not moving anywhere." Lu Qiuwei said, "He knew very well that we were monitoring him. He went downstairs to eat twice and even smiled at me."

"We know each other well," He Lingchuan said, "keep staring."

"Yes." Lu Qiuwei turned to leave.

But He Lingchuan noticed his expression and suddenly asked: "Are you a little worried?"

Lu Qiuwei immediately turned back and said, "I am willing to go through fire and water for my lord."

"Come on, you don't need to show your loyalty at this time." He Lingchuan couldn't help laughing, "To be honest, do you feel unsure?"

Lu Qiuwei hesitated for a moment, then saw that no one around him had gathered around him yet and then said: "I just didn't expect that I would have to fight with the Bejia people so soon."

He is a descendant of Rongshan, and he has no good impression of Bejia in the first place. But the lord had just arrived overseas and had established himself less than two months before he would have to confront Bega's visitor head-on. He did not expect that.

Most people avoid this kind of conflict.

"The struggle between Yu Zecheng and me started from the moment I refused to hand over Zhu Erniang. Tonight is just a continuation and intensification of the conflict. Oh, there will always be this day." He Lingchuan patted his shoulder, He said sternly, "We and Bega are far from being at war with each other. Just tell the brothers to just rest assured. This relationship is safe and controllable, and I will be able to control the scale."

Nothing he promised would be impossible. Lu Qiuwei immediately nodded: "I understand."

"Bejia is Bejia, and Yu Zecheng is Yu Zecheng. He cannot represent Bejia. Remember, Bejia's strength does not mean that Yu Zecheng is strong. Offending Yu Zecheng does not necessarily offend Bejia. Do you understand? "

Lu Qiuwei did not agree immediately, but thought hard for a while, and then nodded with relief: "I understand!"

"Go ahead."

He Lingchuan watched his back leave, knowing that it was normal for his subordinates to have doubts about this kind of confrontation. After all, the enemy's background was extraordinary.

Who has no pressure or doubts when facing Bega?

But this also reminded him that in the future, to run the army, you must first control your heart, and you must first mobilize before taking action.

People's hearts need to be united and consensus needs to be built up.

After being rejected by Zhu Erniang and He Lingchuan, why should Yu Ze stay on the island? Of course he is looking for opportunities to plot revenge against them.

The existence of this group of Bejia people is a kind of pressure in itself, and even smart and knowledgeable Rongshan disciples like Lu Qiuwei are affected.

The purpose of Yu Ze's achievement is to make He Lingchuan feel a thorn in his back, knowing that he is remembered by Bejia every day and every hour.

If He Lingchuan couldn't stand the pressure, not to mention killing Yu Zecheng, even forcefully driving him away would offend Bejia.

It is true that the Yangshan Islands are not within Bega's sphere of influence, and the latter cannot send troops to kill them, but Bega's way of influencing the Yangshan Islands is not just through force. As strong as the Mou State, even if it is at war with Bejia, civil interaction has never been cut off. The sons of high-ranking officials and dignitaries in the Mou State are still proud to study in Lingxu City, not to mention the frequent trade between the two countries. No businessman would not want to do it. No businessman wants to offend Bega in his business.

As long as Bejia lightly imposes a few bans on Yangshan Islands, or asks Qingguo and Yaguo to show Yangshan some color - such a small amount of intervention is likely to affect the future management of Yangshan Islands.

Yu Zecheng hoped that He Lingchuan would not be able to withstand the pressure and give in, then his mission would be accomplished, cheaply and efficiently - this is the script that Bega's envoys most often get.

At first glance, there is little damage to the Yangshan Islands. But from now on, He Lingchuan would have to consider all requests made by Bega, otherwise he would send people over to keep an eye on him and worry about him.

Who made him bow his head and give in in this round of competition? Bega's encroachment on small countries and places has always been to follow the stick.

In fact, Yu Zecheng used the same tactics against Zhu Erniang, exerting pressure, harassment and mobilizing surrounding forces.

Zhu Erniang moved several times and was forced to wander around. If Yangshan Islands did not accept her, she would soon be at the end of her rope.

Bega is known as the Demon Kingdom in the North. It is indeed better at dealing with all kinds of big demons than humans, and it doesn't even need to use powerful forces directly.

The power of such a large empire is truly as vast as a mountain when compared to individuals and small places like the Yangshan Islands.

It has plenty of time, energy, and patience. If you beat away one of its subordinates, or a hundred of its subordinates, it can send a hundred and one more subordinates over to fight you endlessly.

An ancient demon like Zhu Erniang is so capable that she can't even touch the edge of her enemy before being tortured to the point of exhaustion.

What's more, is the other party really incapable of taking action?

Once the time is right and once Yu Zecheng finds He Lingchuan's weakness, this secret war will escalate into an open war.

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