After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 983 The fourth party appears on the scene

This is the conspiracy that Bega likes. Those who can't afford it should surrender quickly.

Yu Zecheng did not hide this, and He Lingchuan also knew it well.

The mirror in his arms sneered: "These Bega people are not very clever. They know that we are taking precautions, but they still choose to take action tonight."

A sneak attack is a sneak attack only if the other party does not know about it.

Now that the time and place of the move are clear, it is equivalent to a clear card, and the opponent's winning rate must first be halved.

He Lingchuan shook his head: "You see, Yu Zecheng forced Zhu Erniang to the point of desperation, and then swaggered around our island with a calm air. In fact, he had no choice."

"Huh?" I don't understand.

"Yu Zecheng is a military general and an imperial bureaucrat. Since he is assigned a task, what he fears most is not getting results." In his hometown, senior officials and senior executives also have a curse called KPI on their heads. "You are wandering around outside." After too long, your superiors will not be able to do serious work because they see that your performance is not good enough. Will they replace you without any reason? Because your superiors also have their own superiors to deal with, and they also have their own performance to complete. Anyway, Bejia is full of talents. There are probably many people watching Yu Zecheng's position. If he can't do it well, then someone else will do it."

"Yu Zecheng has been chasing Zhu Erniang for more than half a year, and it's time to close the net. If he misses these two days and misses the opportunity to cooperate with the Bailong people, he will have no hope of finding another good opportunity. The superiors asked him what his plans are next. "When do you plan to take action?" He Lingchuan asked again, "The arrest of Zhu Erniang is strictly assigned by Tiangong. How can he be delayed indefinitely? He also has Shuangye Imperial Master, who also has Tiangong above him. , they all have to pay.”

So tonight is the night, and these Bega people have no choice.

If Yu Zecheng wants to wait for the opportunity, he will lead the snake out of the hole.

The first wave of offensive from the Bega people can be tested tonight.

Fortunately, He Lingchuan not only had Zhu Erniang as a bright card.

He chuckled: "An old empire like Bega is particularly interesting. Its internal hierarchy, rewards, punishments, and promotion system are both extremely flexible and strict."

Lingxu City is a study tour destination for young talents from all over the world.

Some are dazzled by its prosperity;

Some are impressed by its power;

Some people regard its system as a standard and study it while worshiping it.

But He Lingchuan entered Lingxu City with fierce contradictions and conflicts. What he saw was a giant elephant roaming the swamp.

The giant elephant can ignore the challenges of other creatures, but it has too much weight;

The swamp seems to be flat and wide, but there are many pits and swamps. Once an elephant steps into it, it will be difficult to get out.

The giant elephant is Bega.

What about the swamp?

The swamp is also Bega itself.

When others look at Bejia, they see majesty and inviolability; when He Lingchuan looks at Bejia, all he sees are opportunities.

The swamp in front of the elephant is his opportunity. As long as he uses it effectively, he is not afraid of the Northern Demon Kingdom's attacks from a distance.

After only one trip to Bega, he had a profound understanding.

He sometimes thinks, what about Zhong Shengguang?

More than 170 years ago, Zhong Shengguang traveled to Lingxu City to study. What did he see that made him never look back in the next few decades?

"My boss, my boss!" At this time, Ding Zuodong and Guan Ke also rushed over and quickly reported the situation on each island.

As the owner of the island, He Lingchuan still has a lot of things to coordinate. The pressure Yu Zecheng wanted to put on him had long been thrown into the sea.

At present, Shiten Island Manor, docks, farmland and collection gardens have been mobilized, and drinking water is being prepared. Residents on the mountainside and lakeside have temporarily moved out.

In the face of a sudden hurricane, the preparations for the Yangshan Islands were hectic and chaotic, and there were many mistakes in the process.

He Lingchuan was not surprised and even told his relatives: "The hurricane is coming unexpectedly. This is a good thing."

After Dong Rui vomited, he stayed on Sodin Island. The wind and waves were too big for him to return to his island. Hearing He Lingchuan's words, he got angry and said, "A good thing? I'll leave this kind of good thing to you alone!"

"Dealing with natural disasters is like fighting a war." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "God gave me a chance to train for nothing. How can it be considered a good thing?"

Emergency rescue and disaster relief, like marching and fighting, test large-scale mobilization and organizational capabilities.

He Lingchuan's large group of subordinates were all put together here and there, and it was time to take this opportunity to work together.

Before the confidants had time to react, someone from behind applauded twice: "Well said, it makes sense!"

Guan Ke couldn't help but rolled his eyes, who is this! You can flatter me faster than you can.

He Lingchuan turned around and saw the old captain coming with a large group of people.

At a glance, the number of people was at least over a hundred.

And the one striding at the front was Fang Canran!

Seeing this familiar face, He Lingchuan immediately said "f*ck" in his heart.

There are three hundred and sixty-five days in a year. I can't come on any day, so why come at this night and at this time?

Does the good brother think that he is not busy enough or chaotic enough?

But on the surface, he must be surprised and happy, and immediately stepped forward: "Brother Matsubara! Why are you here?"

Fang Canran has become anonymous, and He Lingchuan calls him Shao Songyuan in front of others.

"I came to deliver something to you, but I didn't expect to catch a storm." Fang Canran didn't live by the sea before and didn't know much about the weather at sea. He turned back to introduce He Lingchuan, "Brother He, this is my uncle Wang Xingyi. He is the national advisor of Mou State."

The man next to him looks like he is in his early thirties, has a neat beard and a handsome demeanor. He is the same person who applauded He Lingchuan earlier.

Those who heard this were moved, and even the porters passing by were surprised. The title of "National Master of the State of Mou" was quite impressive.

He Lingchuan immediately clasped his fists in salute: "I've met Senior Wang!"

No wonder there were so many Jingwei coming down from this ship, and the state of Mou was so grand.

When He Lingchuan looked at the ceremonial guards, they either had bright armor, or their eyes were clear and they were well-educated.

The escort team of the Royal Division is obviously carefully selected and has good military strength.

He Lingchuan felt bitter in his heart.

The armed forces he left on Sodin Island have been calculated. On the surface, they are neither too many nor too little, nor too strong nor too weak, just enough to make potential enemies willing to take a shot - well, of course there are none. There are extra manpower. The archipelago is too big and there are many areas that need to be protected. As a result, Wang Guoshi brought so many Jingwei and even walked to the pier. What if the opponent is frightened and retreats?

Wang Xingyi twirled his beard and Da Lala accepted the gift from him: "You are right, disaster relief is like training soldiers. Today's children are all afraid of difficulties, and not many have this kind of mentality."

He Lingchuan smiled: "Senior, thank you. You guys are tired from the boat, please go to the hotel to rest."

At this time, there was still an hour before sunset, and half of the sky was covered in red clouds. The sea breeze became more and more biting, and the waves hitting the shore were more than ten feet high.

Experienced fishermen can tell at a glance that a storm is coming, no matter how late it is, tonight.

All of He Lingchuan's men were busy, but when distinguished guests arrived, of course he, the owner of the island, had to personally lead the way.

But before leading the way, he whispered to the eyeball spider on his clothes: "The plan has changed, I can't be used as bait anymore."

When the national master comes, he has to accompany him.

He originally planned to use his body as bait to lure the enemy into action, but it didn't seem to work at this moment.

Plans are not as fast as they change.

The Spider Queen immediately asked: "What are you going to do?"

"We have to change the bait." He Lingchuan said hurriedly, "Which one of you will come?"

There was a voice without hesitation: "Me!"

"Okay, it's up to you." He Lingchuan finished explaining in a few words and turned back to greet the guests.

Last time on Platinum Island, Fang Canran had promised him that he would introduce him to the big boss of Mou State.

Sure enough, the contract was fulfilled.

True to his word.

The national master of Mou State also came from the Taihang Sect, which shows the status of the Taihang Sect in the country.

Fang Canran also said to He Lingchuan: "Fifteen hundred sets of weapons and armor arrived in two ships. You can find someone to move them. Also, I have brought the spiritual mines you want."

These were all things He Lingchuan ordered from him at Platinum Island, but Fang Canran didn't expect that it only took a few days to get them all.

He Lingchuan held up his palms and praised him profusely: "Brother Songyuan is such a timely gift!"

This is what he urgently needs right now.

The clothes and armor of the Yangshan Guards are easy to handle and can be customized; but more than a thousand sets of weapons? Not for sale anywhere.

Both Qingguo and Bailie strictly prohibited the export of weapons, let alone wholesale in large quantities.

Even money can't buy it.

Otherwise, how could Min Tianxi and others smuggle weapons in the past? Not because of the huge profits.

Only Platinum Island, which claims to buy and sell everything, could get He Lingchuan so many contraband in a short period of time.

Fang Canran also smiled and said: "It's your luck. As soon as you left, someone came to Platinum Island to sell several batches of weapons. They also gave me face and gave me the goods directly. But the price is a little expensive, so you have to make up for it a little more."

"It should, it should." He Lingchuan paid 10,000 taels of silver in advance to Fang Canran. When the actual purchase price came down, he would have to make up the difference of at least several thousand taels.

Military spending has never been a small amount.

Wang Xingyi asked He Lingchuan as he walked: "How long have you been running this island?"

"It's been less than forty days since I bought it."

Passing by a lot of buildings, Wang Xingyi pointed out: "Are these all newly built by you?"


Fang Canran also wondered: "How does uncle know?"

"Two years ago, I also returned to Mou State from Ya State, and took a sea route on a merchant ship. The ship also stopped at Yangshan Islands to replenish water. The islands are in tatters... I won't mention it."

He Lingchuan coughed lightly: "That was the Black Page Island supply warehouse. It was demolished before I took over."

“I’ve only taken over the job for more than a month, and it’s so organized, which is good.”

There is a repair warehouse next to the dock, and there are warehouses, restaurants, hotels and inns on the shore. The basic needs of travelers and merchants can be met after they go ashore.

The vegetation around the hotel has been trimmed, and the landscaping in many places is made of white sand, soft moss, maple or fruit trees picked from the beach. Although it was done in a hurry, it is low-cost and has a good viewing effect.

Fang Canran smiled and said: "My uncle seldom praises others, but tonight he praised him twice. Brother He, you can go out and brag."

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