After the Marriage Cancellation, She Becomes a True Ancestor

Chapter 372: Parents' meeting, big guys from all sides gather! All for...

  Chapter 372 Parents' Meeting, big guys from all sides gather! All for...


  Three days later, the parent meeting is the same day.

  There are parents with students outside the school gate. It is obviously Saturday, but it seems more lively than usual.

  The parking lot is full, and a few luxury cars are mixed with low-key commercial vehicles.

  Parents passing by couldn't help but look at those cars a few more times.

  In the process of the parent meeting, students should wait for their parents in the corridor or other places. This requirement may be to facilitate parents to come out after the meeting and be able to scold the children’s ears as soon as possible...

  It is less than an hour before the parent meeting officially starts. The teachers have not yet come, and the classes are very lively.

  The most lively of them, we have to count one class.

  Because Bai Yuqiao held the parent meeting, it was her grandfather, Zhang Qingfeng.

  There are many people around the door, all wanting to see the style of writers.

   "Mom, look, Mr. Zhang is there!"

   "Guy, this is your mother and my childhood idol, son, your classmate and grandfather are Zhang Qingfeng, why are your composition grades so bad? Haven't been influenced at all?"

  The crowd was surging, just to squeeze Bai Yuqiao aside from the toilet.

  It is reasonable to say that Zhang Qingfeng appeared at the parent conference. Bai Yuqiao, as the party concerned, should be very happy, but she did not.

  Not only did it not, but it was almost out of breath!

  Before, she had just arrived in Class 1 with her grandfather, and before she could sit down, she listened to her and the surrounding classmates asking about ‘what floor is in Class 23’...

  Obviously, you are in Cao Ying and your heart is in Han!

  In fact, among those who came to the parent meeting in Class 1, were not only Zhang Qingfeng, but also Wang Dongqing’s grandfather Wang Qingshen, and Xie Minmin’s father Xie Yuzhou.

  Xie Minmin and Wang Dongqing do not like to publicize their family background, so the students may not know Wang Qingshen and Xie Yuzhou very well.

  But the parents counted as one, but their eyes lit up like a spotlight.

  Especially those middle-aged fathers who have been in the workplace for more than ten or twenty years and whose hairline is in jeopardy.

  If it weren't for the parent conference, they wouldn't be able to talk to this kind of person!

  "Xie Dong, I am XX’s father. I felt familiar when I saw your car outside. I didn’t expect it was you who came..."

  "You belong to the Wang Group...Oh my god, I am lucky enough to meet you. I didn't expect to see you here. My son and your son usually have a very good relationship..."

  Xie Yuzhou and Wang Qingshen tried their best to deal with everyone for the sake of their children, but in the end they couldn’t hold back the parents’ 100,000 reasons, so they found reasons to pull away and went to the stairwell to smoke.

  The two people just met each other, looked at each other for a second, and then both smiled bitterly.

  Xie Yuzhou is a junior, so he naturally spoke first. He passed the cigarette thoughtfully and politely: "You don’t like the excitement, but you also come to the parent meeting in person. It seems that you really love your grandson..."

  Wang Qingshen took the cigarette, and Xie Yuzhou helped him light it.

Wang Qingshen smiled casually, without any pretensions: "Actually, I am not all because of Dongqing, mainly because I want to see a child." He took a puff of cigarette, and looked faintly expectant: "This child seems to be busier than me. The last time I saw it was last year..."

  Xie Yuzhou was amazed. The child who could make Mr. Wang condescend and come to see him in person, what's the background...

  I was thinking, Wang Qingshen’s voice sounded again: "Yuzhou, I am quite surprised that you can come here today."

  Wang Qingshen can always see lace news about Xie Yuzhou, knowing that he is not the kind of person who would hold parent meetings for his children for no reason.

Sure enough, immediately afterwards, I heard Xie Yuzhou speak mysteriously: "You tell me, my daughter has a good relationship male student at school. I met that male student once. He is very business-minded and not an ordinary person. I will come this time. , I just wanted to see you again, but I watched a circle and didn’t see him. I asked Minmin which class he was in, but Minmin didn’t say...” (For related content, see chapters 165 and 167: also dressed as a sister Men's wear talks business with Xie Yuzhou~)

  Wang Qingshen smiled and said, “Girls at this age must have some secrets, but after hearing you say that, I think this boy might be your son-in-law in the future.”

  Xie Yuzhou was unconsciously happy after hearing this.

   Although the two people are not very familiar, the atmosphere is very harmonious at this moment.

   At this moment, the door of the stairwell was pushed open again, and the two of them looked up and were both stunned.

  The person here is Zhang Qingfeng.

   Both of them have to squeeze cigarettes.

  Zhang Qingfeng nodded slightly, with some pride in his tone: "It's okay, it's okay, two continue, I'm just passing by and go to the first floor to see my future students."

  In spite of this, Wang Qingshen still pinched the cigarette. After all, his grandson will go to the National Tsing Hua University in the future: “It happens to be President Zhang, let’s go together, and the child I want to see is also on the first floor.”

  Xie Yuzhou didn’t know which floor the male student he was looking for was on, but he didn’t want to miss such a good opportunity to get along with the big guys, so he also put out his cigarette butts: "I will accompany the two of you to have a look."


  At the same time, here on the first floor.

  There are mostly students in the corridors, and parents are basically sitting in the classroom.

  By the window sill, Gu Qi is holding the papers from the mathematics simulation test to ask Su Ye a question.

  Before the New Year, she had a few big math problems that she couldn't solve the problem, so Su also helped her. At that time, she found out. Although Su also took a leave of absence for several months, her math grades did not drop at all.

  As for the scores of other subjects... Judging from the results of the last mock test, they are also rising steadily...

  Gu Qi thought that his grandfather was already sitting in the classroom, so he checked the calculations with extra care.

  Su also turned his head to watch her check her calculations, and turned the pen in his hand locally: "After finishing this question in a while, introduce me to your grandpa."

  Gu Qi was very happy, but he did not forget to remind Su Ye again that her grandfather is particularly difficult, so please don't sing against her grandfather.

  Su also said yes.

  In the classroom of Class 23 at this time.

  Bo Yunli and Gu Hejun were already seated. They glanced at each other unhurriedly, and then looked at each other indifferently, as if they were not interested in each other.

  There are a few girls from other classes, leaning on their mother at the back door, looking in from the window, and pointing to their mother who is their fiancé with extremely high school beauty.

  Mothers’ first reaction is generally, “A student doesn’t study well what he wants his fiance to do, and he is full.” But when they saw Bo Yunli’s face, they stopped talking.

  This kind of fiancé, to whom and not to?

  Gu Hejun himself is not interested in the parents of any student in the snail class, let alone hearing the conversations of those superficial women.

  At first, he thought that Bo Yunli was the brother of his granddaughter at the same table, but he didn't expect it to be his fiancé.

  No wonder learning is not good!

  So even if Bo Yunli is wearing a shirt and trousers next to him, he is capable and tidy, and has an elegant manner, but he can't raise any interest of Gu Hejun.

  Similarly, Bo Yunli did the same to Gu Hejun.

  No feeling.

  He naturally hates the old man.

  He is tall, with long legs very aggrieved and leaning under the table, holding his arms and measuring Su Ye’s seat.

  There are a lot of things in the drawer, which can be put in random, or it can be said to be messy.

  Bo Yunli casually sorted out the papers one by one. These papers were not full. Basically, each paper only picked a few questions and filled in the answers, and the rest were empty.

  There are many waste paper **** in the table hole. Bo Yunli should sort them out and throw them away.

  The way to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder, help her clean up.

  A few minutes later, Su Ye’s desk was cleaner and tidy than ever before. Papers and textbooks were divided into categories.

  Bo Yunli stroked his chin with long, well-knotted fingers.

  Well, it smells like that.

  It smells like your own desk.

  The classroom is noisy and loud, but in comparison, the classroom is surprisingly quiet.

  The main reason is that there are two icebergs sitting at the back door. The whole classroom seems to be filled with a serious and meticulous low pressure. No parents dare to approach or even speak loudly.

  It works better than the teacher is here.

Sitting in front of the two of them is Tian Chong's mother who is weak and helpless.

Tian Chong’s mother originally heard her son say that she had a good relationship with the two girls at the back table, and she also said that she would chat with their parents when the parent meeting was boring. But now, after seeing their parents, Tian Chong’s mother thinks they are. Parents' won't chat with her...

  At this moment, the back door was pushed open softly, and the noisy sound from the corridor rushed into the classroom.

  Bo Yunli pushed his glasses and glanced at the door casually.

  I searched in my mind before matching these three faces.

  Wang Qingshen, Zhang Qingfeng and Xie Yuzhou.

  Wang Qingshen and Zhang Qingfeng, who were standing in front, were also taken aback when they saw Bo Yunli who was standing at the door.

  Neither did they know who they were looking for, but they said in unison, "Yunli, too?"

   3-4 more, this is more word count~

     Regarding Xie Yuzhou, it’s a long time ago. Help the babies to recall that the first E-level permission that Su Ye annexed at that time was swallowed from Xie Yuzhou~

     Tomorrow, a large fan meeting + ‘old’ Shura field!



  (End of this chapter)

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