Chapter 373 Old Shura Field

   asked, Zhang Qingfeng and Wang Qingshen looked at each other, the next second, they laughed at the same time.

  Behind Xie Yuzhou touched his mustache: "The two elders were looking for the same person."

  Xie Yuzhou originally only wanted to accompany the two big men on a trip, but now, he is even more curious about the sacred "Ye Ye" in their mouths.

  I heard that Young Master Bo has a fiancée, ‘yes’, that’s his fiancée...

  Bo Yunli tilted his eyes toward the corridor outside the door, and his voice was calm and polite: "I'll do the problem with my classmates over there."

   "Ah, thank you Yunli, let's wait here," Wang Qingshen looked kind.

  When Wang Qingshen was abroad, it happened by chance. He had heard that Bo Yunli was unusual and had a pivotal position in Skynet. However, the specific authority is not something that ordinary group chairman like him can know.

  All he knew was that those big guys with C-level permissions on Skynet talked about Bo Yun's change of courtesy.

  Xie Yuzhou has no ambitions for Skynet, and even sells his own authority, let alone why Wang Qingshen speaks so politely to a junior.

  In the classroom, the parents all looked back at the door and whispered to the big men with extraordinary temperament.

  Instead, it was Gu Hejun, who was closest to them, who had been paying attention to Gu Qi's papers, his expression was serious and his brows frowned, and he turned a blind eye to those beside him.

  It was Zhang Qingfeng who recognized him first and greeted him.

  One minute later, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor. The one with light and cheerful footsteps ran ahead, and the one with loose footsteps followed behind.

  Bo Yunli listened to the footsteps, knowing that it was his little girl who had come, and curled her lower lip calmly.

  The sound of footsteps went from far to near, and soon two young figures appeared at the back door.

  Gu Qi took Su Ye’s arm, and his voice was crisp and sweet: "Grandpa, this is my deskmate Su... Ye..."

   Halfway through her conversation, her voice became smaller and smaller.

  She noticed that several parents stood at the door, including Principal Zhang!

  At the same time she landed on the word ‘also’, Gu Hejun looked at her.

  I wanted to nod perfunctorily, but the moment he turned his head and saw Su Ye, the whole figure was like an old monk entering meditation, suddenly frozen and unable to move.

  He stared straight at Su Ye's face, and some long-lasting memories poured into his mind.

   Su Ye, who dyed her black back, can be said to be the same as before.

  To froze together, besides Gu Hejun, there was Xie Yuzhou.

  Xie Yuzhou has a romantic nature and never forgets the good-looking face, unless Su also has a twin brother, otherwise he can definitely be sure that the female high school student Su Ye in front of him is the boy who negotiated with him that day...

  It turned out to be a woman disguised as a man...

  A female high school student has that kind of brains. At a young age, she bought Skynet permissions from him. Bo Jia got this fiancée, so insightful...

  If he guessed right, Zhang Qingfeng and Wang Qingshen were looking for her!

  The three of them came here for the same person without an appointment...

   "Also, President Zhang and I came to see you specially," Wang Qingshen stepped forward first, with a look of affection.

  Bo Yunli sat in his seat, raised his hand, and adjusted Su Ye's school uniform: "They came to see you specially."

  Su also said ‘oh’, and then he took his gaze away from Gu Hejun, and slowly looked at several big guys, from left to right, calling people in turn: "Hello, Grandpa Wang, Principal Zhang, Uncle Xie..."

  It's pretty good.

   Anyway, Bo Yunli already knew her authority on Skynet, so he was not afraid that Xie Yuzhou would recognize her.

  Wang Qingshen and Zhang Qingfeng said in unison: "It's also really good."

  Xie Yuzhou is one second behind: "Good, good..."

   is still a little frightened.

  But Su is not over yet. Finally, she looked back at He Jun again, with a smirk on the corner of her lips, and said again after a second: "Hello, Grandpa Gu."

  Gu Qi’s grandfather is really Gu Hejun.

  Gu Hejun is serious all his life and doesn't like to laugh. He hasn't seen him in 40 years. The wrinkles on his eyebrows are the deepest, like the word'chuan'.

  Gu Hejun heard this ‘Grandpa Gu’, and he squeezed the hand of the paper for a while, his voice was like being pinched, and he couldn’t make a sound.

  Gu Qi had never seen his grandfather staring at someone like this, and he didn’t know if he was angry or something. He panicked.

  She knew that her grandpa had a weird temperament. She was afraid that her grandpa would say something that would prevent Su Ye from coming to Taiwan, so she quietly pulled Su Ye’s hand and wanted Su Ye to leave here with her first.

  Kesu's feet are like sticking to the ground, motionless.

The anxious atmosphere lasted for two seconds. Just when Gu Qixin raised his throat, he only heard a stab. The chair under Gu Hejun moved backwards. He stood up abruptly and walked around behind Bo Yunli. At the door, holding Su Ye's hand with both hands, he said kindly and politely: "Hello classmate, I just heard Xiao Qi say...Your name is Su..."

  He heard the last word ‘also’, but Gu Qi’s voice was too small and he was not sure if he heard it correctly.

   "Well, I'm Gu Qi at the same table, Su Ye," Su Ye speaks slowly, re-introducing himself, with a tone that is somewhat inaudible.

  Bo Yunli's eyes fell on the two overlapping hands, his sharp eyes narrowed slightly.

  Gu Qi did not react at all.

  She suspected that grandpa was evil...

In the next second, this suspicion was directly confirmed, because when she saw her grandpa rushing to Su, she also gave a very gentle smile, the word'chuan' on her eyebrows was completely stretched, and her mouth was still plausible: "Su also...good name, good name ."

  Gu Qi: May I ask who is this amiable grandfather?


  This is the teacher’s office.

   Gao Shengnan was still correcting the wrong questions for the students before the parent meeting started.

  Only one month left for the college entrance examination, Gao Shengnan is now comparable to Desperate Saburo.

  At the next table, Zhang Guangqiu is eating matcha bread and drinking green tea. Since his divorce, he prefers green.

  Su also believes that this is a kind of stimulating therapy that uses poison to fight poison.

  Zhang Guangqiu glanced at the time, Yu Guang glanced at Gao Shengnan, who was immersed in hard work: "It's still half an hour to start, don't you want to eat?"

   "No time," Gao Shengnan's tone was not very good, a little impatient.

  I heard that Zhang Qingfeng would come to hold a parent meeting for Bai Yuqiao, but she was very nervous.

  After finishing the wrong questions, she has to go through the content of the parent meeting again.

   Unlike Liu Bi, she never cares about which student has a good family background, which student has a bad family background, but she also has her narrowness, that is, she only looks at grades.

  She takes special care of Wang Dongqing and has nothing to do with the Wang family. It is all because of Wang Dongqing’s good grades.

  So big guys like Wang Qingshen and Xie Yuzhou, she won’t be nervous when they come to a hundred.

  But Zhang Qingfeng is different, he is the principal of National Tsing Hua University!

  Gao Shengnan has worked hard with the students for three years, in order to send more students to National Tsing Hua University.

  Now she was asked to hold a parent-teacher meeting for the principal of National Tsing Hua University, and her mentality was about to collapse.

   Shaking his head for a while, and then rubbing some cool oil on the temples. It looks very bad.

  So that when I turned around to take something, I touched the pen holder on the side of the table to the ground.

  The pen splashed all over the floor.

  Gao Shengnan gave a ‘tuck’ and bent over and started picking it up.

   Zhang Guangqiu shook his head and helped her pick it up.

  Sometimes fate can't stop it.

  For example, at this moment, Zhang Guangqiu and Gao Shengnan picked up the pens one by one, and they picked up the last one. When they reached out at the same time, Zhang Guangqiu's hand accidentally touched Gao Shengnan's.

  Time stands still for one second.

  The plot is exactly the same as in the idol drama.

  And that pen...was dropped by a female classmate who came to the office before. There are pink hearts on it...

   1-2 more~

     Thank you [Yalui], [Chu Yanjin], [Soul Cast] Little Fairy for your rewards~



  (End of this chapter)

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