Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! In the city, I met the worries, "You haven't saved it? Why?"

Longfei night is also curious, how is the Tongmen brother? Is there a hatred?

Forgot to look at the city, calmly calmly: "They bully you, I am not happy."

Although it is said to be casual, the eyes are serious, the city looks at the inexplicable heart, this feeling seems to have been before, warm, and some familiar, what is going on?

I haven't waited for the city to think, Longfei night has already jumped to point to him: "You are a clear-eyed seduce! Do you want to find it!"

Li Lai Qing also looked at the heart and thought, but there was no dragon and night excited.

Intuition tells the city, forgetting the worry, it is absolutely not the meaning of Longfei night, and I laughed, and I said to Longfei Night Road: "Okay, don't you say that you want to do transactions? Now you go to horses."

Longfei night suddenly looked at the city and confirmed it again and asked: "Are you sure?"

"Well, since it is active, don't but unfortunately." After the city finished, I took a few step forward.

boom! boom! "Hey !!" (damn !! I dare to pick grass on my head!)

"Ah !!! Help!"

Sun Jiajia suddenly was shocked, accidentally stumbled, falling in the ground. See the rock beasts behind, the pupil is instantly enlarged: "No ... don't come over!" Under the urgent urgency, he quickly raised his hand to the rock beast to sway the spiritual attack.

A group of flames flew to the rocky beast, it randomly lifted the giant arm arm, ... Easily stop.

Before playing again, the speed is not reduced, step by step.

Sun Jiajia suddenly had a desperate, "Hey ... Help ..."

After Wusi was swinging to the rock beast, he turned again and again to think about forgetting, and his eyes contained tears, "forgetting worry ..."

Li Luyu raised his hand, a defense juncture blocked in front of the rock beast, hey ...

The rock beast is in the big boxing, and Sun Jiajia escaped. I am grateful: "Thank you! Thank you! Hey ... Thank you!"

Throughout the other, I immediately made a breath, Wu Siyuan grateful to the eyes of Li Lu, "Thank you, thank the son to save!" He didn't expect this person's strength! " You can stop the rocks.

Longfei night suddenly laughed, stared at Woody Wipyo said: "Don't say so urgently, let's talk about the pen transaction! If it is feasible, we will save, if you can't, you will continue to drink. How?"

Four people immediately stopped, transaction?

Wu Siyuan was puzzled, and asked: "I don't know what this son is said."

Longfei night suddenly laughed, "It is very simple, rock heart."

"No!" Yao Yanjing took the first one, "If you want money, or stone, we can give it, but the rock heart is not! This is the result of our assessment!"

The city played a small stone in his hand, quietly looked at each of them did not speak.

Longfei night is said: "If we don't save, you will take it, what is it? Or being killed by the rock. Either by your rescuers, you can also abstain. Think about it. If you give it, you just just lose a spirit, no more? "

Song Yan looked at Longfei night, very angry, "You are the danger of it!"

"Too much!" Yao Yujing angry and said: "Forgetting the worry! Thanks to the disciples of the fairy, it has collected outsiders to deal with the same door!"


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