Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Longfei Night 'looks' to this, some are a gloating: "Hey, it is them? These people are really luck to go home."

Some accidents in the city: "Rock beasts? The mission grass on the rocky beast, the rock heart grass is the nine-level herbs, can meet the luck, dare to take the courage, but it seems that they have courage, but no strength "

"Forgetting worries, how many are they not your zone? Are you still watching this?" Longfei night said to him, but his eyes are the color of the god.

I have forgotten my heart: "Not familiar."

Longfei night suddenly laughed, "Hey! I didn't expect you to be so uncomfortable? How is there a beautiful drip?"

"Tone each other." Forgot to worry about calm, there is no wave of waves in the eye.

Longfei night is slight, and the eye is bead turns, and suddenly reveals a smile, ask: "Do you want to shoot?"

In the city, it is a little bit of smile, "Do you want the hero to save the United States?"

Li Lai dust recovered his knowledge and looked at him, "The color did not change."

Longfei night glanced at him and made a dislike action. "Do you think this son is so bad?"

Is it not?

Several other people look at him at the same time, and their eyes are suspected.

Longfei night was seen very uncomfortable, immediately said: "Hey !! You are really! I don't think that the nine-level spirit is rare? How many of them will definitely spend it, and they will save ! The lady is not to be taken by the fairy? It is difficult to have something to save. Now save people, is not better to exchange the conditions? "

"We have saved their lives, they just have a thoughts, but there is still a chance to continue to assess, if they do not accept our conditions, then they are waiting for the right! Why don't you do this?"

The city recovered the line of sight, saying that "I know, but I just don't want to save." She knows those people, even if there is a problem, it is better to save. Also said: "What is it to die?"

Xing Yi has not yet recovered the knowledge, always observed, suddenly said: "The master, they are rushing here."

Just listen to near, Sha sand ... !

Then I saw a few stumbles that fell and gradually.

All the city just did not continue to 'watch', this will suddenly come over, let her feel very unexpected, clearly hook a smile: "How do I think that the disciples of Xianzong have a life-saving base card? ? "

Forgot to see her, it seems that I can neglect, is she still encountered another fairy?

Then, see several, and found their five calm figure, especially when they met forgotten, even more exciting.

Wu Siyuan scored a shine, suddenly anxious call: "Forget the worry! Forgetting your worries!"

Several other days, Yao Wan Jing said loudly: "Fast! Save us!"

Longfei night face floats a smile, forgetting the worry, urge: "Go! People call you, you are still so calm in this stood?"

Forgot to obey him, "Since you are so active, you go?"

"Oh! I want to go, but I am not me!" Longfei night sorry, said that he is very helpless.

After that, some people saw that they did not help but they had to help, and they were anxious. Song Yizhen was forgotten: "Forgetting, see a part of the same door, please help! "

Hey ... ... The rock beast is played again, "Hey !!"


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