Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Longfei night quickly wrapped things with an oil paper bag and received space. "I am late, can't waste!"

"We now go straight to the west, just in the evening, the delivery door from there is leaving there."

Forgot to listen, I immediately asked: "Do you want to leave?"

Longfei night looked at him, directly replied: "Yes! Do you want to follow us?"

Forgot to look at the city, my heart is inexplicably reluctant to leave, I can't say anything.

"No, just ask."

All the city listened to his emotions, some lost, then the opening: "We may soon see you again."

I don't know when the city is so sincerity, I finally nodded, "Well, I hope!"

Longfei night has alert to him, thinking: this guy won't really want to grab the city?

Take him, look at the right left, and finally inexplicable: "You still die of the city! She is not possible with you!"

The completion of the city slides out of the black line, "What ghosts do you say?"

Forgot to look at him inexplicably, is this people think more?

The tone is light: "You seem to be more."

Longfei night snort, "Is it? It is best."

For the problem of Longfei night, I have never thought about it, but I feel very absurd, but I don't know why I will feel absurd. Finally, I don't understand, just don't want it.

The city couldn't help but a white eye, didn't have a good air: "Okay, eat enough to do it!"

For the dislike of the city, Longfei night does not care, as long as he helps Yun Yu guards his daughter-in-law, wait for him to come back.

The afternoon's sunshine is a bit burning, but the forest is cool and slow.

Walking in front of Longfei night, with his hands on the back of the back, a leisurely step, the mood seems very well, laughing at Li Lai dust, "When can I see your horizon?"

Looking at him on the side of Lili, "Curious?"

Longfei night immediately: "Of course!"

Li Lu is full of streams, and the corner of the mouth is bent. "If you are a woman, I will show you."

What does this mean is that he only gave a woman?

The city looks next to it, looks at the dust, the low head is thinking.

Longfei night, very dislike: "Reopen the guy of the light friend,"

"There is a situation in front." Li Luqing looks forward.

Several other immediately stopped, while expanding the knowledge, explore the front.

... Peng Peng! !

"No! What should I do? I will be dead!" A woman was anxiously shouted.

The man fly out ... ...

Heavy smashing in the ground, "... cough ... cough!" Despite vomiting blood, it is scaled, but it remains awake.

"Hey !!" Warcraft roared, and he hit a few times.

And the other side still stands two women, or the city they know.

Yao Yan is nervous, "We ... we still use Lingshi to save!"

"No! No! If we use it, it will be automatically abolished this time!" Wu Siyuan decisively refused.

Sun Jiajia, on the side, have already had no Lord, "That ... what should I do?"

Wusiyuan looked at the rock heart grass that was not easy to pick, and he made a dramatic struggle.

The huge rock beast, step by step, in a few steps, such as stone pillars, hit the sound of the ground, tap their heart.


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