Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yunyang is a touch of reply: "I am angry? Why is it angry?" Heart: people are less, the province is too much to save.

Lu Ziyue, they didn't understand. According to reason, these disciples have not yet begun, they have denied their ability. It is an important thing to have a little risky courage. Is it not awkward?

The five elders are also a little puzzled, but Yunyang does not say, he will not know.

"That's this! Now the right to divide the two teams, participate in the left, right away, hurry! Don't delay the time."

When the disciples listened, it seems that Yunyang is really do not mind, but some people who are discarded are somewhat uncomfortable.

"The old ancestors are not angry at all?"

"Well, it is too useless, and he is not angry with it."

"Maybe ... he didn't care about us at all ..."

Some people directly: "If it is a dust-free brother today, do you think that the ancestors are angry or not angry?"

Those people suddenly understood, and once again, I watched Yunyang, and I scored it.

I have already stood on the left, and I am representative of Zhao Bao's representative. The following disciples are followed, and those disciples are confident looks, some of the chin is also raised, and even the people who are abstained right, gently laugh.

There are also a few teams already standing in the right, but it is a low head. I feel awkward, I am embarrassed to look up and look at Yunyang.

I haven't stimulated that I have been stimulated, and one of the disciples suddenly bite the teeth: "Forget it, fight for it, anyway, isn't it the inner? As long as it is eaten by World of Warcraft Escape it and reborn once, if you are lucky, you can be hurt, you are saved! "

In this way, those people are also less concerned, "Yes! Can't let the ancestors look down! Even if it is not his apprentice, but you can't let him think we are waste!"

... Another group of people go to the left.

Yunyang is deliberately letting the hearing, listening to these people, the mouth under the mask raised a single, a few nodded, "Well, yes."

Five long old doubts, before, "The ancestors? What is good?"

Yunyang looked at him faintly, "Nothing, quickly announce the test content with the rules!"

The five elders are busy: "Yes."

Previous step, towards the disciples: "It is already divided into groups? The abstactime of the right side is now registered with the name."

There is a total of more than twenty people who are abstained on the right side, and walk towards Lu Ziyue.

Lu Ziyue heard and immediately took out the pen.

Then, the five elders looked at the remaining seventy people left on the left, satisfied with a smile, touched a few more than a white beard, point and nodded: "I am very happy, you have passed the first level. "

That group of disciples suddenly surprised, after the first level? What do you mean?

The hand of Lu Ziyue's writing is also a meal. I looked up at the five elders, I felt.

Five elders: "Don't doubt, today's trial content, the first item is to assess your courage and self-confidence. Now, in groups, draw, to enter the inner center area, find three different colors , Printed with a small flag of 'Lingzong', you can return to the camp, the first three groups arrived first, and there is an extra points. "


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