Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Such trial content, suddenly, let all disciples are unexpected, especially those who have just waited for more than twenty people, and there is a regret on the face.

"What? Is this simple?"

"Isn't it a magic beast crystal or looking for a spirit?"

"Oh! I know so simple, I just didn't give it ..."

Li Hengcai Taoist: "You have no courage to face danger, and you have long lost the qualifications of the game."

Those disciples suddenly said, it is difficult to say one by one.

Didn't choose the disciple of abstain, I am in my heart, fortunately, I haven't give up.

"Okay, now draw a group. Momo, the box has passed, let them draw." The five elders have commanded.

The white foam is immediately forward, "Yes!"

"You have the strength of the five floors of Yuan Ying, and the five floors will take a white sign."

Those disciples are quickly divided into groups, not many, just a group of six people, divided into twelve groups. And the strength of each group is almost horizontal, there is high strength, and there is low strength.

Yunyang saw the group well, and immediately urged: "Xiao Wu, hurry to start."

"Yes! Old ancestors."

The five elders immediately said to them: "Are you ready? Collect the spirit in your hands, if you encounter urgent danger, remember the first time to save. Don't be hard! Can you understand?"

The disciples replied in the public: "The disciples understand!"

"Good! After the sun falls, no matter whether you have completed the task, you must return to the camp. Now you will start!"

Under the order, everyone went towards the forest.

The five elders looked at the figure they disappeared, and asked the Yunyang next to him: "The ancestors are really not worried about them?"

Yunyang is obliged, "How is it worried? It's hard to practice for so long, it's not actual, what is the meaning of trial? You think that you have used a group of disciples to go shopping for a circle. Go back? What is the experience to play? "

The five elders are low, and some of Khanjinjin, I have nodded, "Yes! The old ancestors teach the disciples."

Yunyang turned and looked at the people who waited, said: "You are not idle, since you don't participate in the peripheral trial, don't want to be so much, the disciple of the spirit, actually use it? Cultivate For a while, the book is the thorns, if you really have a little more, if you are a little bit, hey, this seat is to look at people, you have already admitted! "

Yunyang thinks that I feel shameful, watching them is also a bit gas, one is a head, watching it, this is more like, think about the attitude of their two apprentices, Let's take a look at this group of people in front of this contrast, simply different from the earth.

Immediately said: "You have a group of people, just collected a thousand six-level spiritual grass in the periphery, five six-level Warcraft crystal nucleus! If you can't do it, wait back to Zongmen, go out! Don't say it is me. Spiritual disciple! "

The group of people said by Yunyang said that they can't say that they are too embarrassing, and they are somewhat inadvertent ... But after listening to the mission, there is still the consequences of the task.

Suddenly shocked, if you don't make a direct, you will travel directly.

A few next to it can feel that Yunyang is not steel for this group of people.

Lu Ziyue immediately, the soft voice was respectful: "Old ancestors also invited the anger, these brothers and sisters think about there is such a thing, I have not prepared for a time, your old dispelling, purple moon, they want, they It is also aware of your mistakes, and will make your task you explain. "


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