Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! When a few people go close, they are stopped at the same time.

Longfei night immediately stepped forward, "Is there a mistake? Is there this here?"

Run your hand and pull the flag, some uncomfortable, "Who do you say that this is? Is it so clever?"

The two did not open the first time, see they did not answer, Longfei night shouted, "Hello? How do you don't talk?"

"What?" All the city walked over, and the tools were more excavated. Take him next to him and start digging the grass.

Seeing that they are not very careful, Long Fei Night is depressed, "The people who have a good question, the people who have a question, just want those disciples to send. Anyway, it doesn't matter, hehe!"

Li Lu is faintly said, "You are so excited, it will make people think that it is related to you."

"Who said? The city is the spiritual, she doesn't care, what do I care? I just asked." Longfei night was very casual and put the flag back to the ground.

The Allure dred her herbs, got up and looked at the flag on the eye and recovered his eyes.

"Let's go!"

Li Luoy is suddenly moving, "there is moving quiet."

Then listen to the sound around the surroundings ... This movement does not seem to have a fixed direction, and this one seems to have.

Several people immediately launched the knowledge and explore it, and then he was surprised when he was watching the situation.

"Is this World of Warcraft? What is the green sticky paste? Those of the vines like the leaves are not like." Longfei night was surprised.

The city is full of amazing, and sudden looks have some dignified. "This is not Warcraft, it is a variant toxic, and there is already a self-consciousness, and it will cultivate."

Longfei night can not help but hold, "How do you know? This is not toxic? How can I see it?"

Li Yaizhi recovered his knowledge and looked at him, "I know more."

The city also recovered the gods, and the lips represented: "Well, come on."

Longfei night does not believe: "Is this related to reading?"

The two did not care about him, but looked at the more and more nearly close to the surrounding, a few people couldn't help but eyebrow.

"Wonderful bloody taste!" Longfei night said that he closed.

It is not only bloody, this thing is also mixed with a thick body! Several people simply use the sound.

The Allure is in the three emotions of Li Luzhou. "This thing can only find the root to be destroyed. Otherwise, only the source is constantly reproducing. We will attack the four directions, see what it is."

Several people respond at the same time, "Okay."

"Junyan, you stand in place, that thing is your gratitude, can't be wrapped in it."?

"Okay, the owner." The rock beast nodded.

The city raised his hand to have a gesture, "Don't be careful, don't contaminate them to their poisons, start!"

During the words, several people simultaneously run spiritual power, and swall the attack towards the siege.

... !

The all-in-law waves a dozen groups of spiritual fires, and it is awk ... sound.

Those poisonous plants are siege and are also blocked.

But it is only a few breathing.

Sha sand sand ... The new round of attacks are initiated, and the vines will extend again.

Several people saw that this reborn is too surprised.

Longfei night didn't hold back, or I opened out, "What is this thing? It's too scary!"

Wat in again, "I can't afford you!"

The disciples around the surroundings found, "Listen carefully, is there moving over there?"


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