Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Some people listen to the movement and very clear, it is obvious that someone is fighting.

"This movement sound, listening to it is a very intense battle!" A disciple immediately said his own judgment.

Another saying, "Here is the medium, it is a person who has encountered with the senior World of Warcas, is we going to help?"

Several silences for a while, you will see me, I will see you, and finally by the leader slowly, "our strength, what does it seem to have a role?"

"Well, I also think that we are still assessing, looking for a flag is the most tight, after all, since people dare to come to the last, it is very powerful, we still have to complete the assessment!" Another disciple suggestion .

The rest of the few people think about it, and finally walk towards the same position with the sound.

The city, they also launched a violent attack in the poison, and the four tacit understanded toward the vines of the vitamins, and the vines were constantly bombed.

"Integration Monography, Fire Wolf!"

! A fire wolf fused in a gold fire, appearing in this region, a silent roar against poisonous plants,

Boom ... Boom!!

A group of flames, moving towards poison, only listening to constant, ! !

The surrounded by a bombed traces, and the vines will be suppressed for a while.

Li Lu is around, and immediately said: "You have returned the middle."

There are not many delays, and immediately retreat to the position of the rock beast, Li Lili is still growing up again with the vines, flying over the hollow height.

Roade your hand to make a printed gesture, follow the surrounding circles, ! A energy body is flying.

Fly below, Longfei night did not change around?

"What attacks are you? No reaction?"

Looking faintly, he looked at him, did not answer, and wrapped them all in the defense.

Immediately ... I saw the surrounding poor, once again, the speed of the fast, but ...

There is no number of light spots around you, flying into the direction of the poison, and then spread, such as a big network, followed by the next second.

Boom ... rumbling! !

The dramatic explosion sounds through the sky, the surrounding trees, all in an instant, even the deep layer of the ground is set off.

Even if it is a distance, a spiritual disciple of approximately one or two kilometers, I can feel the strong vibration.

"Wow! What is going on there, so big movement?"

"Just say that there is a place to stand? It seems ... The opponent's strength is very powerful!"

Some people look at the direction of movement, can't help but be curious, "Do you say this is a winning or World of Warcraft Win?"

Everyone shook his head, "Is it a Warcraft? Our game can win! Take the movement of this will, those Warcraft should not immediately come out, we still find the flag!"

After moving, a few people feel that the surrounding barriers are like earthquakes, and Longfei night looks at the change in an instant, can't help.

"Sentium ... Sure enough ..."

The city looks at the surrounding moment, and the corner of the mouth can not help but pick it up. "This method is very direct ..." Very violent ...

The rock beast is stunned with the phantom, and the two secrets of the eyes, the eyes of the eye, swallow the mouth, too strong.


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