Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The barrier is detained. The location they occupy is like a 'is island'. It is independent of the world. It is the only one of the only a few squares left in this area, and grass.

In the city, I looked at 'Islands', the flag inserted, there was a kind of joy, then said: "The poisonous plant is such a violent attack, even if there is a root, we still rush Let's go! The movement of this will definitely cause the attention of others, soon someone will come. "

Several people don't want to meet with the spiritual people, and they have not hesitated, all jumped, flip the area like this as a moon.

But just went out of a small paragraph, they felt that something came up with this.

Several people quickly looked at the moving and quiet, could not help again, a whole body wrapped around the vines, drip nausea liquids, with a four-meter-high green climb, and quickly rushed to them.

"Hey !!"

"Good guy! So ugly? Still ... So stinking?" Longfei night surprised to look at the big guy, "Shura, what did it say?"

The rock beast couldn't help but disappear, but he couldn't help but shrink. "The owner, it is so stinky ... there is a horrible force."

What is the power of the city?

I have a hidden guess, but I can't be sure, the breath is cold, "I don't understand ... I think it is not simple toxic."

Quickly moved to the 'poisoned', the body's venom not only turned over the ground, but also took out a smoke. At the same time, the wind blowing happened to bring the smell of the smell.

Li Luqing stared, and then said: "You will back, I will solve it."

Several people immediately removed, and Li Lu is flashing, looking at it.

The poisonous sections will appear in front of themselves, and the angry screams.

! ! Several vines with stench, moving toward him.

Li Yaizhen disappeared in front of it, appeared above it, while waving, the silver mandesque walked toward the vine, and cut it directly.

The poisonation is now outstretched, straight to Li, Direct, trying to walk around, Li Lili is moving toward it, once again, it is like a sickle harvest, ... cut off.

The poison seems to be a bit anger, "Hey!"

In an instant expanded the body, the volume was doubled, and it also waved dozens of vines, followed by spraying green malodous liquid from the mouth, ! !

Li Lu Lu Yu wrinkled, a while. The figure is instantly disappeared, then appearing, it has been landed, and the dislike is spit out, "disgusting."

Longfei night can imagine his expression under the mask at the moment, can't help but laugh: "Haha! It's hard!"

In the city, he glanced at him. "You want to make a pleasant, it is better to help?"

Xing Yizhen is serious about the situation in front, and suddenly said: "The master has a clean ..."

During the city, I went through a bright color, and I flew, my mouth is slightly hooked. "It's hard to have worked hard ..."

At this time, Li Lu is cool and looked at the poison of the 'green juice'. The palm is flourishing, before the poison is coming back, waving. ... !

The surroundings of the poisonous plant are surrounded by a light wall, even the vines are blocked.

Attack the poisoned poachet, slamming the light wall.

Looking at the cold and cold in Li Lu, both hands were again condented, and the poisonous planting in the light wall was shouted. At the same time, the surrounded guys changed in an instant!

boom! !


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