After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1311 should hate Wu Ming 2

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! It should be in Wu Ming to the hills of Ling Yufeng, there is almost someone here, sit in the big rock, look at the cliff, and the face is full of pain, so hate. He is actually in rain with Liu Yingjie, or something is still unassured. It is about half an hour, and it is chasing it in the direction they leave, but it will lose the trace.

He also specially went to the Entrance and Entrance of Warcraft, and some mercenary groups were inherited. No one had seen them, and even came out.

Going home, I also have found it in the nearby town, but the two people are like evaporation in the world, they have no longer appear.

The sound can not help but take a trace of uncertain, "Is it true?"

"Do you want to revenge?"

An overcast sound is behind.

It should be soon to see the sound, I saw the back of the empty, there was a man with a black cloak, and the whole body shrouded in black, and the face was also wrapped.

Be alert to the heart, the eyes take the guard, and the work is always the battle. "Who are you?"

Men's negative smile, "What are you nervous? What do I do will do for you? Just look at you seems to revenge, I don't dare to look, so I want to help you."

It should be frowned immediately, and the other party is worth it. "Who are you? Why do you follow me?"

"A person who can help you revenge, but still know where your sister is going ..." The black robes have hoarse, but they have affirmation.

"Truth? Do you know what?" Shiming was full of preparation to people at this moment, but wanted to know what he said.

The man saw him so, couldn't help but laugh, "Do you want to know?"

It should be stared at him for a while, and then nod. "If you know, please tell me!"

The other party did not immediately say, but I asked a question first. "If you really kill your sister, how do you plan? How do you want to revenge?"

At the time of Wusong, there was a contradiction, see him hesitated, the black robe man immediately laughed, "Just give you the giler, I still want to give my sister? Oh, it seems that your sister is under Jiuquan. My brother is sad, I feel sad. "

"You! You said, how do you sure my sister is dead?" At the time of Wushen, he roared, although his heart had been default, but he chose self-deception.

The man in the black robes smiled, did not be angry because of his attitude, his hand boiled, there was a small scorpion.

"Is this her?"

Should Wus Ming, the eyes suddenly beaten, and immediately took it, let's see it, "this ... this is a small rain."

After reading it, I immediately asked him, "Why is you in you? Her people! Do you know where she is?"

The man's eyes brought a slice of irony, and said: "Don't you say that she is under Jiuquan? Why didn't you understand?"

It should be as soon as Wu Ming, so surprised and incredible, "No ... you lie to me? Is it? Xiaoyu, how can be died?"

"I said, I am killed by the month. How do you not believe it? This scorpion is falling in the scene." The man said is a bit random, but his eyes have stared at Wu Ming, watching his reaction.

It should be painful in Wu Ming, watching the scorpion in his hand, "Why? Why is it not willing to let the rain? Ah !! Light rain! It doesn't protect you! Hey ... Light rain! Sorry, I shouldn't Let you leave yourself! "


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