After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1312 should hate Wu Ming 3

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The man looked at the mamming of immersing in his own pain, showing satisfaction with satisfaction, opening, "I want to revenge? I can help you."

It should be docked by Wu Ming to see each other. "Where did you see this hair? Her body?"

The man can't help but sigh. "This scorpion is what I got on my hand. As for why I am, I don't have to tell you, but I am sure that he is to see the month to leave the moon to your sister and Liu Yingjie. The poisonous hand, even the corpse is not left, know if there is a sample in the world? "

It should be dark when Wu Ming's face is difficult to see, "What?"

"The corpse water." The man tangled and finished, and then took out the same thing.

"Give it, this is the corpse. My hand is one of you attending the trial in the same day. Just after your sister leaves the moon, I will be tracked by the month. After killing them directly, I use the corpse Water gave himself abused. At that time, he was a scorpion that was nearby. When she kill her, she also said that she didn't have anyone dared to scrap her waste, and she still smeared her, and she humiliated her. living!"

It should be in the dark, and the heart is hateful. The two hands are tight, and the angry in the cliff is screaming: "I will kill you! I will follow you !!"

The black robe man is a barrier while he is awkward, and the sound is also hiddled in the two, otherwise, this directly smashed the sound will lead to others.

"I said, I can help you, as long as you help me do something? How? Do you feel confused, as long as you dare to do, I will help you kill the month."

It should be sent to the martial arts, and suddenly look at him, and the eye is still the meaning of preparation. "What is your purpose?"

The black robes are faint to see him, laugh: "It is to help me do things, but this will have a risk, I don't know if you dare not dare?"

It should be confined in Wu Ming, "As long as you can help me, let me do what I am willing!"

"I can't see it. The love of your brothers and sisters is quite deep?" The man was laughing and said.

"Less nonsense, if you want to help me, just go to the purpose!"

Seeing him, the man once again made a laughter: "OK, but, you are still not enough, you want to help me, I am afraid you have to upgrade."

It should be confused in Wu Ming, "How to improve? My talent is not very good, now I will immediately absorb the ultimate crystal stone shut down, I can't be promoted immediately?"

The man said that this is not a problem, as long as you promise, I have a self-improvement to advance, I will advance to repair, I will not be willing, this is still a risk, you ... Do you dare? "

Should be in Wu Ming, the opponent's eyes are some provocative, and there is a small porcelain bottle directly in his hand. Probably struggling a few breathing, or I chose to accept it, "Good! As long as you can revenge, I am willing!"

The man gave him the medicine, "You take one first, try the effect again."

I should take a look at him, slowly open the bottle plug, I will sneak it, it is Danxiang, but I didn't take it immediately.

"Don't worry! This is not a poison. After all, we have no irritation, I don't have to kill you, not only this, I still need you to help, how can I kill you."

I should look at the other side, and then fell out, it is a red medicine of Zhu, hesitated, or swallowed directly.


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