After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1313 should be Wu Ming's hate 4

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! At the moment of the entrance of Dan medicine, he only felt a smell, let him have some discomfort, but it is just a bit, after a few breathing, soon I feel that a hot feelings have been out of Dan Tian, ​​and the meridians on the body began to swell. pain.

The increase in pain, should look at the man in Wu Ming, and the forehead also sweats, "this ... What is going on?"

The man tangle calmly replied: "Don't worry, this is your first to take this Dan medicine, naturally need to broaden the meridians, enhance your Dantian, waiting for you to adapt, only need to take one every three days, and Every time you take it, your repair will grow, you have to do it, adapt to yourself! Do you understand? "

It should not be accomplished in Wu Ming, and immediately kneel on the ground, just support the crown, "Ah !! !!!"

It is really painful. This body is like a fire, like torn, all kinds of difficult pains.

The black robe is looked at all, and the corner of his mouth has been satisfied, "exposing your abdomen."

I don't know what he wants to do at the moment, but I also immediately made it, I immediately use the force, Slaw ... Slaw ... The clothes of the upper body burst.

A small bottle appears in the hands of the man, and it has a dark red liquid. Drake a complicated spell pattern, pushed the past toward the position of Wushen's Dantian.

... a big red light flashed, the spell did not see, only a blood red pattern similar to a small horns appeared in his Dantian position.

It should be more painful at this moment, and immediately rolled up on the ground, and the shouts of the sound of screaming.

And the man is calm, "If you don't have passed, only the dead road, if you pass the past, you are for the power of the West, I understand? Not only can I revenge for your sister, that is, you want to do this Lingzong's power of the Lingzong is a thing that is hand! "

It should be miserable, the droplets of the droplets slipped, and they will have a painful. "I want ... I want to revenge! For ... Xiaoyu, for my lady! I want to revenge! I want to revenge !!!"


When the black robe man suddenly stunned, I really didn't think of this relationship?

About an hour, I went on the upper body, I went to the upper body, and I didn't look at the chest slightly ups and downs. I thought he was dead.

The black robes reached out to him, and a water ball was poured on his head.

The coma is waking away, and the eyes are staring at themselves. Some can't believe, "I ... I am still alive?"

"Yes, you are alive, you have succeeded." The man took the head.

Should go to Wu Ming to tried the spiritual power on the body, suddenly surprised, "Yuan Ying seven layers? How can I advance?"

"Yes, you advance to the revenge too much, remember, our transaction. If you dare to pay back, I can take your life at any time." Men's mouth hooked a cold, "I believe me, I can do it." "

Should be Ming Ming, "No, admiration! I said to do it, as long as adults can help me with revenge, my life is an adult!"

When the black robe man suddenly laughed: "Good, Dan medicine remembers a three-day service, absolutely unobstructed, otherwise, wait for you to try it, this is what I gave you."

Should be nodded immediately, "Yes! I remember!" Although he didn't know why, but if he wants to have any bad happening, after all, it is a Tan medicine against the sky.

There is almost that the black robe is almost, and the isolation barrier is withdrawn. It is faint: "The sky is already black, I will go first, wait until the appropriate timing, I will notify you that I will meet you for your wife. Hahaha! "The missed disappeared.

Leave Wushen in the same place, "he ... how do he know?"


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