After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1327 How to cooperate

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Those people see him so much scared, after all, the top ten strengths of the internal gate of Zongmen, no one wants to be beaten by inexplicably beat, everyone has not long, and since the beginning, it has been spread.

Li Heng looked at Lu Ziyue's direction, and the light suddenly became dark, " ... I will get you!"

Creating angry turned back towards the direction.

On the corner of the side, one body shape is then moving.

After leaving the white foam and Lu Ziyue, the white forster can't help but feel the painting of the chest. You don't like him. This man is a little bit of the woman's idea, you look at your hand, I look at it. "

When I said, I took a box of herbs, dig it out of a small piece, apply it to her wrist, and I feel sad: "Some silt, the bastard is really too much."

Lu Ziyue looked at her gums, and suddenly squatted.

The white foam is inexplicably looks at her. "Your hand is like this, you laughed out?"

Lu Ziyue's face with a relaxed and happy smile, said: "I am laughing! Since you are afraid of doing help me, you are not afraid that he is getting crazy to really hurt you?"

When Make Mommad suddenly joked, it didn't matter. "What is too fear? You are my best friend, I have so much thinking? But ..."

Lu Ziyue asked: "But what?" I don't know why, my heart will be nervous.

"However, I didn't hit him at the time? It's so unfortunate!" Madomo said, some regrets shook his head.

Lu Ziyue couldn't help but stunned, and suddenly didn't have a good air: "You ... you are really! Hey ..." The mouth is coming again, and you can't warm.

Within the yard of Lu Yan, a person who didn't dare to breathe, looked at the people who sat on the upper place, almost all dared to say.

The city is a bit helpless. She guessed that she would be like this, Lu Yan quietly hinted her to help talk.

The city can't help but laughed, then said: "Master, in fact, Lu Zong, the idea is also an apprentice to help, the failure is also the division, and I don't think about it. Now I will continue to help, there is nothing, you will Don't worry about the mainstay. "

The scene has been smoked, and Yunyang is tall and tested. Looking at the Lu Yan on the side. "This time, you will not pursue your fault. If it is next, you will see it."

Lu Yan is busy: "Yes! The old ancestors are rest assured, the disciples must not be wrong again."

The old man also immediately said: "Old ancestors, you can rest assured, this murderer, I want to try to play with us, we are also in the first time I have already played a picture for the first time, and it is also an experience."

The three elders said: "Right, leave the month, you are not coming to find us today, what is it?"

The eyes of the city appreciated the gods looked at the three elders, very mad! Know the topic.

Immediately: "Yes, I made something last night, and now I need a few elders to cooperate with the land."

In this way, everyone will come hard, Lu Yan asked: "What? How do we work?"


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