After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1328 is really no knowledge

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The city took out a pair, it looked like a real person, the finger roots were clear, and the skin in the hand also took a flexible elasticity, and then took a few dentures, this fake teeth is in the style of yesterday. The teeth unplugged above are imitated with the material of the refiner.

At this moment, a group of people immediately pour it more and more, and the months of Moon and Dragonfly fly to the night.

Longfei night simply picks up a fake hand, but also touches again, "Xiaoying, what can this be used?"

Three elders have been playing with dentures, "This thing is really meaningful, hey. It is fun."

Yunyang is calmly sitting, watching them all the one, suddenly showing the displays, "I really didn't know."

Lu Yan suddenly coughed, "Cough! That, you look enough, see enough to look at the old ancestors."

The old veteran and the three stops have four elders, and they will take things to the table next to him Yunyang. Respectfully said: "Old ancestors please see."

Yunyang is lightly under, and the expression is faint to pick up a dentisk look, very seriously, then ...

"Haha! It's fun! This will be moving! , this denture can be used to be used to be a melon? Well, it should be."

In the mouth of the city, the corner is slightly smoked, this Master ... the image of the high-person person is not less than three seconds!

Some of the monsters can't bear to see, now Yunyang is like a child who just got new toys.

The people around them are calm, indicating that they have not seen, and they have not seen anything.

"No heart! That hand gives this seat!"

I heard Yunyang shouted, Longfei night with Moon white one person will immediately hand, Yunyang is not happy, but don't forget to join the city, "Less? What is you doing? of?"

The city replied: "These are all done."

The three elders are curious, and the light of the bright crystalline is immediately questioned. "Is it possible to catch the murderer?"

Lu Yan has some little excitement and looks forward to the city.

The city is slightly shaking, others are suddenly disappointed.

Yunyang can not help but curiose, "Can you? What do you do?"

The completion of the city said: "These are to narrow the murderer, you carefully see the pair of fake hands, the palm of the above is also very clear?"

"Well, clear, then?" Yunyang looked at it and asked again.

The city smiled, "It is naturally a avatar that the other party is separated, that is, in accordance with the form of the other party, even if his appearance changes, but ..."

Moon Moon was immediately thought of, "I know, the little lyions want to say, his face is made, but his body is still the same!"

"Yes!" The city immediately nodded.

Yunyang took the hands and looked down, "Is it necessary to find such a hand?"

The completion is noddated again. "Yes, the hand is right, and the teeth can also be pair, the height of the fresher is a half-half of the height, the portal is complete, but it is large, the body is medium, not fat, left hand palm The palm is obviously discontacted. I don't know, Lu Zong's main and several elders, you can have anything about such people? "

So after this, suddenly quiet, in thinking, Longfei night with moon white and still recall.

Yunyang is only a general understanding of the elderly group. After all, the elderly group is basically a change in the millennium. Generally, it will be promoted to the gods, and they will leave the people of the people to come to another.

Inside this batch, the longest time in the long time is worth more than four hundred years, and Yunyang is often not in the paramen, and it is not familiar with it.


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