Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Longfei night looked at it, I feel strange, "Is it so scared? Isn't he not awake? Even if he kill, it is only a illusion? Generally, it will not start again. Once, what is it to be innocent? "

The Mouth Haki is slightly hooked, "" You see, you are different from him. "

"What is the difference?" Longfei night curious.

The city smiled, "I want to see it?"

"Is there really true?"

Not just Long Fei Night, even Lu Yan is curious.

Yunyang lost their two eyes: "I suggest you still don't want to see it."

Longfei night is more curious, "Why? What is the old ancestors?"

Yunyang is a glance, "nonsense. Who is this seat? Can you see?"

In the distance, Yun Wei can't help but say: "It seems that the guy teaches a lot of things ..."

"The master, but what is the Pluto?" He looked at him and asked.

Yun Hao is light, it seems that some are not willing.

The ink is bright, "So, this is really a soul?"


When the ink is crazy, "the master, Pluto is not bad to the master."

... Two frank eye knives straight to him, and the ink is closed.

Laughing smile, "The master, what do you worry, Pluto is just the brother of the master, and you are all from the master."

Yun Hao's mouth is slightly hooked. "No, the brother of the children is this emperor! Furthermore, is the apprentice of Gu Xianzun, can not count the brother."

After two genus, I looked at him again, and I also looked at the Yunyangzi on the stage, I nodded, "the master said it!"

At this moment, the doubts among the four elders are getting more and more serious. The six elders have a very abnormal reaction, and they are busy looking at his right hand. Suddenly, the eyes are wide, "Old Six! You are the murderer? Why do you want to kill my disciple? ! "

Other elders are also surprised. The three elders have also noticed the totem imprint of his right hand tiper and a long time.

"Is it true for the old six?" The three elders are still some unwilling to believe, but the facts are in front of them, they don't believe it.

The big man sighed, "Hey ... people know that it is not aware, what is the case!"

"What? The murderer is old six? Will it be wrong?" The seven elders are hard to believe.

Eight Changsong also said: "How can he? Is it misunderstood?"

Lu Yan looked at them and it was still very difficult to believe, I have already guess it. "You are quiet! Yes or not natural will be clear! This principal will not take anyone, but will not let go Any 'ghost'! "

When Lu Yan talking, his eyes deliberately stayed in those who were seriously suspicious, and they did that they were also cold, and they quickly recovered calm, but what did you think about it? .

What about the six elders? Directly accused by the four elders, but there is no reaction. This seems to be immersed in his own world.

This is just not willing to believe in it, but it can't continue to be calm.

Zhao Tian has a few of them come to him, and it is accurately not going, but floating ...

The people around them again. "What is this illusion? This person looked at the brain, even if you walk?"

Someone suddenly squatted, "I ... I heard my grandfather when I was young, there is something called the soul! This ... I just left the sister won't be in the soul?"


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