Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The person next to him is also shaking, "Hey ... Don't say it! How is the ghost?"

"Again, will the sister will recruit the soul? She clearly uses the array! This is definitely a magic!"

Suddenly, the six-year-old man is a few, crazy, crazy, want to repeat them with spiritual power, but ... it is no good, and it does not make spiritual power.

"Don't come over! You go! Go! Don't come!"

Longfei is more curious, watching the six elders, what happened?

Li Heng is very worried, I call this on this stage: "Master! Master! What happened to you?" Isn't it a few illusion of death? What is too afraid?

"Xiaoying? What is going on? It's better, do you show me?" Longfei night is curious to die.

The city laughed at him, "" Do you sure you want to see you? "

Longfei night is trying to nod, "I have to see it!"

The completion of the city is flipped, there is a small bottle: "This is the tears of the cattle, put this on the eyes, naturally see what you want to see."

Longfei night suddenly curious, "Is there such a thing? Are you wiped?"

"I don't need it." The city said faintly.

Longfei night did not think more, directly open the bottle plug, then fell a few drops, Lu Yan is also very curious, take away from his hands, and fell a few drops.

The city recovered a small bottle, laughing at them, licking his eyes, "I should not be afraid to you."

Yunyang sneaked next to laughing, then coughing cough. "Well, you can open your eyes."

The two let go, open your eyes, and immediately scare a big jump.

This one is all the horrible time when they die, and there is a hole in the stomach, and they are still helping the blood, dropping on the ground.

All 'people' faces such as dead gray, seven bleeding. There is no eye, only eyes, keep moving to the six elders.

Longfei night courage is very big, or can't help but exclaim: "Ghost ..." Ah ... ah ...

After the body, I didn't know when I was back, and I took his mouth directly. "What is your ghost?"

Lu Yan breathing is hysterested, and suddenly looks to the city, "this ... Is this not a really ghost?"

The city is shallow, and asking: "This is the most authentic, this is not a magic."

"What?" Lu Yan is difficult to digest this information, look to the city, ask again: "What do you recruite?"

"When I discuss this, I have time after the day, Lu Zonglian still wants to know, I can say anymore."

I have fallen, and the city looks at the snorted six elders who are entangled in the array. Zhao Tian they said: "Okay! You first stop watching, I still have something to ask him."

Just see a group of 'people', slowly look at the city, first stunned, even if you are rushing, Husen's empty holes and hard sounds, but a respectful way: "Ghost ..."

"Free gift, you are watching it! Kill you, you will be punished!"

Zhao Tian nodded immediately, slowly floating, but a six-old old look is facial.

Lu Yan and Drai have to be shocked, and the two turned to look at the city. The situation they saw was different from others, and more believed, this is indeed a environment ... they really not human!

However, those elders are strange, is this not illusion? But how can a few illusion disciples? They just exchanged?


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