After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1446 We are not people

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! After the night turned, he took the moon white shoulder, one finger in the sky: "Little white, the sky is a lot of stars! Let's have a few counts."

Moonlight mouth is slightly smoked, but it is still a copied: "Good!"

The city has been speechless for these few people, but there are more speechless.

The moon is holding a little, and it is so standing with the green wood. I have not turned it, and I still see him.

In the face of the eyes of Yun Yu threaten, the moon is very calm: "We are not people."

The green wood is also nodded immediately: "Yes! Is the beast!"

The corner of the mood is twitching, the forehead black line slides: "............"

Yun Hao's mouth is also slightly unnatural, and immediately turned his head and continued to hold the city.

"Niangzi, you see, is it no one?"

The city is talking about the loud eyes, "It is still paying attention to it now!"

Let it! A bit ...

Yun Yuzhen directly lifted the down-city, and then nodded and nodded.

Then, release her, don't hold her, change her hand to continue.

The completion of the city, immediately: "You! How are you so casual! You still don't let go, you will go to the peak door soon!"

"Don't, I personally have my wife, I will take my wife, the sky, why don't you?" Yun Wei opened the rogue mode.

The city immediately opened, "You let me go first, don't think so, I will forgive you to lie to me, there are those! Hey! Waiting, you are all, let me not welcome!"

Originally, Lu Zikai in sleeping, and strange and strange, I didn't feel a cool meaning.

"Hey ... so cold." The next consciousness pulled the tab.

Longfei night with the moon and turns back.

"Xiaoji, we don't deliberately! Really! Is it true!" Longfei shouted.

Moon White is also nodded, "Really, really, we are all incredible."

Yun Yu immediately said that he was embarrassed, and he was busy: "I will misunderstand me."

Taken a few in the city, and smiled: "Misunderstanding? You know, I'm thinking, my so-called 'Master' is him, but Yun Yu! But I'm hosted me, isn't it intentional?"

The moon is a few times, "I am really a lot!"

Yun Yun is very helpless: "Master is not letting me say, he doesn't want you to know my identity, don't believe, you ask them a few."

"To the right! It's really old ancestors." Longfei nodded immediately, and added: "He does not let it ... but let you know that dust is Yun Wei. We are miserable ! "" The ancestors, I can't help! " It is really not your own ...

The month is also the same, the opening said: "Really we ..."

"I heard it! This can't blame me, I am also oppressed, when I am arranged to you, Master will explain, I can only protect the identity of the master. But I will see you from the first side. ...... I have been deeply fascinated by you, use another identity to contact you. "

When Yun Yu said this, it was full of seriousness.

But the few postures are admired ... I will give meat again!

The city can not help but have some environment, let her listen to it, I am not so embarrassed, in fact, she can guess that her Master does not let him appear, it is not so angry. .

The ink is stunned, and the body can't control the shake. Soon asked: "When is our emperor, when will I say love?"


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