After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1447 Looking for a chance to go back

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! , "these years?"

The ink nod agreed, "Maybe it is to learn from his friend." Talking about two not far from.

Longfei night whispered: "Xiaobai, I think he is like a flowering flower."

Moon, whitening, "This guy is looking to who, you think you? No matter what woman is going to the mouth?"

"You are going to your mouth for any woman! Is this a young master a teacher!" Longfei night said that his taste was questioned, very uncomfortable.

The month, the month, I looked back, I'm going to say: "As you are Yan Yan Yan? I really didn't see what is being picked."

Longfei night suddenly spending: ".........." Ask your own taste, is it true?

The city is not a trouble, and it is still standing together, standing together.

Longfei Night is also a focus on this side. "Hahaha! This, this, I will discuss with Xiaobai, if you choose a woman, don't Xiaobai still don't like people? Just Ask me! "

When Moonlight is almost, he is thundered, and he is always hoped: "No! How could it be!"

Yun Yun's mouth is slightly hooked, saying, "Don't pick it up, you are actually very fit."

The city is okay, "Well."

Several times next to suddenly looked at him two, and the Dragon Flying also hopped with the moon.

"Hu said eight!" The two are in the same way.

The city is laughing: "It's really tacit!" The words turned to leave.

Yun Yuzhen immediately followed, others smiled and looked at them and chased it.

Longfei Night is angry: "The death of the clouds, you will have a good wife, just take our two to brush! Before he let us not let us say! Hey!"

"Look for a chance to go back?" Moonlight is bright.

"This is good!" Longfei night suddenly laughed.

Two people began to discuss, how can they be better? Reward.

The city and Yun Wei arrived to the peak door, and the two were working properly, and Yun Yuzhen did not have too close.

Human Guard immediately rose to them: "It will have a dusty son, and miss the mi. Miss, no heart, white gongzi."

Yun Wei faintly replied: "Free Gifts."

Also: "We leave this time, keep Luo Yunfeng, I don't want anything else. Otherwise ... the consequences you know ..."

Several guards are more spirited, and immediately replied at the same time: "The son is rest assured! It is certainly swearing to protect Luo Yunfeng!"

Yun said that he nodded, "Okay."

It's far away, the city is smile: "Yes, there is also a chief disciple?"

Yun Yu smiled: "Don't you think that the brother is very good?"

"Good, very good, very good." The city nodded, but said it was perfunctory.

After the body, Longfei didfully asked: "Where do we wait?"

The city is dark, "Mo Jia."

Longfei night is coming, even before, "Mo Family is cooked! Hey! I will take the road!"


In a small courtyard in Qing Jianfeng, it will pass the 'Rolling Thunder', but fortunately this is an independent yard, and the sound does not affect outsiders.

After a while, Li Heng has slowly came out of the room, his face was slightly pale, and it took a gloomy, and the legs could not be treated. It seems that this time is not a time.


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