After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1485 does have problems

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The Competition of the Dragon Flying Night is confused, a touch of reply: "If I said, I dissected her like me?"

"What? Anatomy?" Longfei suddenly exclaimed.

Some people sitting next to them are some unexpected. Monthly ink is busy asking: "Xiao, you won't come true? If you are now inexplicably dead, there will be a lot of trouble behind, not only It is in the face of Mojia chasing, I am afraid there is a dragon.

Longfei night immediately nodded: "Don't do a stupid thing, I don't like my cousin, but my old man who likes it. If she has an accident, I can't stop it."

The completion of the city has hooked a smile, there is a bit free: "What is you doing so tight, but I will not have to live in the moment, as long as she doesn't do anything to me." The meaning in the words It is already very obvious.

And the last time Mo Yan is going to Luo Yunfeng, she also asks again ...

Yun Wei looks to the city, some don't understand: "Leather, this Mo Yan Xin is not a special?"

The city is okay, "However, I still need to confirm."

"If you really need to kill, despite all, everything has me." Yun Yu said casually, but the serious inquiry in the words is completely believed, as long as she really did, Yun Wei must try to help She solves trouble.

It is said that the stairs immediately showed two black people, one of which is still acquaintance.

Shadow saw them, immediately excited, "Shadow See the master, Taizi!"

Another one heard the prince, a single woman sitting around Yun Yu, immediately knew who this is, and I am busy with the front: "Take the wind, see the master, Taizi."

Yun Wei looked at the shadow, but some did not expect that he would actually be in Mo Cheng, "Free Gifts, get up!"

Longfei night looked at these two can't help but laugh: "Do you have two realms?"

Shadow and the wind are somewhat not understanding what he is saying, and looks at Yun Yu.

Yun Yu said faintly: "Don't care about him."

The city is to know what the awareness of Longfei night is, it is called her. At this moment, I have some accidents to see the shadow. "How did the shadow come here?"

The shadow is happy, "Prince is unknown, shadow is to know that the prince will check the news, and you know that you are coming, you will apply for it."

Yun Wei looked faintly, "said that it is right."

The shadow is immediately serious, "It is the master."

"After receiving the news of the month, I immediately informed the Mochi distribution point where the Dark Pavilion was in, and he also came to Mo Cheng. After the news provided by our hidden line, Mo Yanxin did problem."

The city immediately asked: "How is the night in the night? Can you understand?"

Shadow shaking, "At present, there is a hidden power around Mo Yanxin. Moreover, and the private hospital is not a person, this is more proud."

Taking the wind immediately: "Hui Wang Hao, the news of Mojia's dark line is that night is in Mo Yanxin being caught in the housing of Mojia, and then taken away."

"If we are going to save people, we must first take the power of her private hospital, and now it is unclear."

Longfei night was surprised, "Her private hospital has a lot of strong? Where is she coming?"

I saw him in the city, "You don't know, how do they know."


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