Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Longfei night immediately helpless: "I don't know, I really don't know, I can't ... I am really what I am looking for with my aunt?"

The kids of the kids have a simple smile, "Is it?" Turned to the wind, "What stage is the strength of Mo Yanxin?"

Taking the wind immediately: "Go back to the prince, the strength is in the horizontal of the king-level, even the minimum guard of the door is the three-story king, not only so, but also this private hospital is also After setting, we can only check that people have been taken to, but they cannot enter the yard to save people. "

The city turned to look at Yun Yu, "We will look at it first, since I set up a group, I first saw another action plan."

"Okay." Yun said that he smiled.

Longfei night immediately: "My cousin does have a meal talent, and now the high-level array is.

"Oh? This is said that she went to Yunyang Hall last time, I didn't see the scenery." The Mingdoms picked a little, and he looked to Longfei Night.

When Chamon suddenly remembered, "the owner, it is very likely, when you encounter them, they are ghosty in the gate of Yunyang Temple, I don't know what I am doing."

"This ..." Long Fei couldn't help but, would you really want to do what?

"Well, I want to know very simple, there will be answers tonight."

The city said that he got up and walked outside, and Yun Yuyu took the airway: "Let the Dark Pavilion preparation."

"Yes!" The wind immediately nodded.

Pavilion turned several streets, and a group came to a private homeland in Mochi, and the surrounding high walls were built, and there were array of array around the wall. There were also array outside the gate.

The city is far away, and the corner of the mouth can not help but pick up a smile. "Mo Yanxin's Master, it should be this six-level magic!"

"Do you see it?" Longfei couldn't help but unexpectedly, he didn't say it yet? "

"Is it very strange?" The city asked faintly.

Longfei nodded, "Of course, it's strange! When did you learn the array? After you finish, Longfei night suddenly regret what you ask, he suddenly remembered that this problem is not need to ask! She is definitely a group!

The city will reply: "Just suddenly a day, there is nothing."

Other people next to it, but listening to incredible, the Master is more rare! It's still rare than the refining Dan. They don't believe!

Yun Wei is a loud laughter, did not say anything, just asked: "The time is coming, is we ready?"

The city immediately started to say his arrangement, "You are very good, I will be like this ............."

After a few minutes, I looked at them in the city: "Do you understand?"

Moon White immediately looked around: "It's still right and other changing groups."

The city directly replied: "Nothing, we all have been put down, since we have to do robber, you must do it."

"Come, this is something I prepared in advance, this is tied, headscarf, this is eye-catching, this is the mouth arm. The clothes are replaced with black, and the face is also in the face." The city will be The package is given to the moon.

Several things around watching these things, can't help but feel somewhat strange?

"What is this?" Longfei night picked up a thing like an armband.

The city is said: "This is the exclusive sign of the pirate, the pirate is a robber of the sea, specializing in the vessel fishermen who robbed the past. There is such a robber ', , there is this, this is eye-catching, put your eyes One cover, it is a one-eyed dragon. One-eyed dragon is also the image of the robber. "


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