Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Longfei night suddenly stunned, the expression is somewhat embarrassing, "... ..."


"Oh ... Who! Who hits me!" Longfei night suddenly hurts.

Feng Dance I didn't know when I went to her, "you are full of flames," You are a dead boy! You don't say it early! Harm I guess half a day, I have been looking for a long time! It turns out that the secret is in your home! "

Longfei night quickly shouted to be called: "No! This is not what I don't say, it is our family's prophet not let me say!"

"Hey! I don't believe it!" The phoenix dance is a little, and the breath is watching him.

Meng Yue can't help but surprise, "Xiao Dance, why are you so angry?"

The city has hooked the smile: "because of the purple."

Meng Yue first revealed the doubts, but immediately reacted, suddenly surprised: "Is it inside?"

The city is okay, "Well."

"Then let's find him!" Meng Yue immediately happy.

Feng dance is a little low, "but it is not going to go now."

Meng Yu is strange, "Why? The secret is not in the dragon?"

Longfei night sighs, "It was in the dragon's home, but the secret is a hundred years. It is still in time, and there is still an nearly half a year from the next time."

Yun Hao said: "The secret of the dragon in the banned land of the dragon, there is danger of dancing, and people below the king level go there, and can't hold the strong pressure inside."

Longfei night immediately nodded, "Yes, if you want to go there, it is best to go to the middle of the king, otherwise, even the king of the king is still a lot of pressure."

The city is not talking, I don't know what I am thinking, but the phoenix dance has jumped, "No matter what, this time I must go!"

The city slowly said: "Who will enter the Dragon's secret?"

Longfei night face is stinking, "What can be any? Is it that the royal family of the three countries is still a few people in the top ten of the West Continent, and the first six."

The phoenix dance is not cool, "What? So many people? This secret is not the ban on the dragon? What is the eligibility of those outside?"

The city is laughing: "It is normal, people are always driven by interests, and there are many treasures in the secret of the dragon. Which power does not want to divide a piece?"

Feng dance still can't do it. "Since the outside people can have the opportunity to enter the secret of the dragon's home, if the cold is still having such a big energy, let Li Tingyu instead of small art?"

Longfei night face can not help but somewhat unnatural, Yun Yuzhen looked hooked to Longfei night mouth.

This is also the city you want to ask, look to Longfei Night, see his expression is not natural, "how is it? Is it related to you? Or is there a relationship with Dragon Mad?"

Longfei night took a nod, "Well." Turned to Meng Yue, "Xin Jinger, Sorry ..."

Meng Yue is busy: "Night brother, why do you want to say something to me? Many things are expected to be expected."

"You say it! Why is it?" Feng dance curious, I want to know immediately.

Longfei is like a little embarrassment, "this ... this ..."

The city can't help but strange, this guy is hard to love?

Yun Wei hooked a smile: "Because, as long as you marry Longfei night, she can enter the secret in the secret of the dragon. And how do you define it ... This is, the cave room ..."

"Ah?" Feng Dance was amazed.


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