Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Meng Yue is also wrong, completely did not expect, there is such a.

Picking up the city, faint: "Cave room? Is it just right? If you don't, you haven't followed it ..."

"Small pass ... That, let's not mention old things, don't mention!" Longfei night quickly hit, he didn't want Meng Yue to get bad about him.

Yun Hao's lips, once again: "Leather, dragon's skills have a double repair, it is the way to open the door of the secret area, this set of practice, only pass each of the owners."

"Well? This is said ..." Feng Dance eyes looked at Longfei Night, staring at him.

Longfei night inexplicable is not self-lost, "What?"

Feng dance directly: "It is no wonder that kind of counterfeit goods are so urgently to marry you. It turns out to be with you. However, if it is easy to find other women, seduce you, and then marry you is not simpler?"

"..." The monthly ink white in the interior did not control, and immediately smiled.

The corner of the city is also hidden, but also nod ago: "This is."

Meng Yue is originally sorry for the double repair, but he heard this, his face is also can't help but laugh.

Longfei night was immediately exclaimed: "Go! Don't say! I love my mother, our dragon's family is rule, and I can only marry a wife for a life. It is never. And, Our dragon's department is also passing, no brothers and sisters. "

The city is all, it is slight. "So I am relieved to give you a small art. Well, yes."

Meng Yue can't help but be shy, "from the sister ... Now it is right. How do you ..."

Feng Dance is also a very heroid: "Well, this is a rule with our Feng family, it is a man of purple."

"That is! So I am very excited!" Longfei night suddenly.

But in addition to Meng Yue, all the eyes are more than a disappointment to see him.

Longfei night immediately coughed, as an embarrassment of her own, "cough ... The topic we continueed, said the secret of the secret."

Feng Dance was transferred again, "Yes, the secret is a place to rest, how can I let so many outsiders enter? What is the long family of Dragon?"

The phoenix dances, and suddenly a face is unhappy.

Longfei night died, helpless: "This is the rule of the ancestor, if it can, our dragon is not wanting to let those people go."

Meng Yue said: "Since only less than half a year, then I started to turn off at that time after I played, I would also go in this time!"

The light in the city is slight, and then laughs: "Okay."

Longfei night is bright, "Xin Jinger, you have to go in?"

"Yes!" Meng Yu wants to drive back.

Longfei night suddenly laughed, hahaha! So ... this is said ...

"Night brother, your expression is so strange? What happened?" Meng Yue looked at him.

Longfei night immediately coughed two times and hide the past, nodded immediately, "Okay, good, Xin Jinger also go ... um!"

The miserable scream of the interior has stopped early, and the monthly ink came out.

"Okay, I have already gone." Moon ink is covered with blood, holding a bloody thing in his hand.

Yun Yuzhi looked at it. "Can you wash your hands first?"

The city directly hit a referral, "Wash your hands."

I saw that a big water ball appeared in front of the moon white.

Moonlight Wholescence, "Do you have a husband and wife? Can I have a sacrifice for cranes?"


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