Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Well, Yueer is resting at home, this thing will deal with it, it will not lightly raise the family."

Mojing Mountain smiled and smiled, said Li's family and angry.

Meng Yue is not too deceptive, but it is still as stimulated.

Long Tian proudly will not believe it is so simple, look at the obvious thinking of the eyes of Longfei night.

Yu Chengguang is full of different colors, and it is too late, and the face is still with a smile.

"Since Yue Er has just returned to Mo Jia, Cheng Guang is just not recently, and you can take Yue ear to walk everywhere."

Longfei night, I immediately said: "Xin Dare is my unmarried wife, you have to come, how can I go to you!" I didn't wait for the other party to talk, I said directly: "Since you have a chat with this visit, then I I have a big man with a private matter to say to me. So, I will go with me with a long time. "

Long Tian proud guess is not that simple. Immediately, "Father, since there is something in the night, then Xiaoyan will follow him."

Dragon Qing also got up: "Mo Lao, the old man will not bother."

Mo Yi naturally knew that Long Fei Night did not say, it is estimated that it is also taken into departments in the hall.

When I got it, "Well, okay! You will go first, let's continue to talk about dinner for a while."

Longfei night took Meng Yue, and went to the front of his eyes, the eyes of Yu Chengzheng did not have a very good look.

However, he did not do anything, faintly evacuated the lips and walked outside.

Dragon John is blocked in the courtyard in the courtyard of Meng Yue.

Long Tian arrived on the small stone table in the court, looked at the porcelain bottle in front of the porcelain, and the eyelids looked to the side of the side, "said, do you give you the grandfather?" "

Meng Yue has some unexpectedly, I didn't expect him to know?

Longfei night laughs: "Haha! It is awkward, so it is seen by you."

Dragon Qing immediately looked to Long Tian: "How do you know?"

"I am a Mojia's son-in-law, but it is also the kid of this child." Long Tian said faintly.

Longfei night laughed: "Hey, the two bottles of wine given to the grandfather, but only a kind of kindness, it can make people think that it can be caught, the purpose is to let them be calm and some! You I also know that my grandfather is , I usually feel the counterfeit goods, I just want them to drop the fire. "

Meng Yue is busy: "Duo Father, don't blame the night brother, you have to blame it."

Long Tian proudly looked to Meng Yue, and suddenly smiled: "Who said I want to blame him?"

Longfei night will pick younger eyebrows, "Hey, why are you so serious?"

"If you put something more, what is like Babei, in fact, I will be more happy." Long Tian said calmly, and took the bottle in front of him and took a bite, very enjoyable.


The dragon squeezed, he really didn't think that their owner is like this!

Longfei nighttime floats, "Hey, you are not afraid that I know?"

"Do you dare to sell your Laozi?" Long Tian proudly looked at him faintly.

Longfei Night is obedient, and immediately raised his hand, "For, this is not mentioned, now, the counterfeit goods will be arranged to be arranged, this matter has a great relationship with our dragon."

Longtian proudly light, and then he looked at him, "I am related to the secret of the dragon."

"Yes." Longfei nodded now.


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