Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The dragon model suddenly changed, and the voice sinking. "Some people hit the idea to the dragon."

"What information is not?" Long Tian said is so cold, and the tone is in a light.

Longfei nodded, "In fact, this counterfeit goods, the child doubt it early, then there is a camouflage robber, go to her private thing."

"I will encounter Murong Fei Xue. It is actually an accident. I went to her private hospital. It was to save the little biae to track the dark guards of counterfeit goods, but I got to the private hospital, there was a good holy level. Strong. "

Long Tian said when you look, "Some Holy Level? Her people seem to have ahead ..."

"Hey, who guess is?" Longfei night suddenly looks forward.

Long Tian proudly said: "Xian Zong."

"It is Xian Zong but not all, Xianzong is now divided into two factions, one is the Suzhen, the ancestors of their old ancestors, and the one of them is," Longfei night. "

Dragon Work is not solved, "How do you know?"

Longfei night, I immediately said: "I still remember what I first know what to let the baby go to the mainland?"

Longtian proudly moved, suddenly he looked at him, "" Dragon Home Ware, etc.? "

The dragon's eyes immediately showed a lot of joy, "Is the Lord, is it true?"

Meng Yue couldn't help but weird, and then: "You ... is it to leave the sister?"

Long Tian arrogantly watched to Meng Yue, Long Fei night, said: "Hey, big old, rest assured! Yueer is a child, but ... Xiao is actually ..."

"Dragon's home, etc.?" Long Tian proudly did something surprised, the expression finally appeared.

Longfei nodded, "Well." About Meng Yue is a person around the world, because the incident is reincarnating, the last time I have said to him, this is the consent of the Allure.

Meng Yue immediately smiled: "Duo Father, rest assured, about the sister's sister, I am clear than anyone you."

Long Tian proudly unexpectedly, "you ..."

"This is the long talking, and later let night brother tell you." Meng Yue smiled.

Long Tian said with the dragon's doubts, and suddenly looked at Longfei Night. "Li Tingyu's people behind, I want to be Yi Hui, is not Su Zhen, right?"

Longfei Night is busy, "Yes, this is like this, the child begins to say it from the East Continent. When the prophet, I let me go to the East Mainland ............"

Jossimo is half an hour, Longfei night is short, saying that the event of the city is said.

Long Tian said with the dragon engineering understanding of the city, it is also a more pertide.

Dragon Qing can't help but sigh: "It is really a lord of the gods ... This practice is really fascinating."

Long Tian said, "Well, however, dust is Yun Prince, this is never thought."

Suddenly, I only listened to Long Tian proudly proudly: "You a dead boy! Why not say early! Now people are gone!"

Meng Yue is busy: "Dufang, this is not blamed, and the sister did not expect you to wait for her, and it is nothing, waiting until the Zongmen, she will participate."

"Well, that year, this year's Zongmen is more than the trial, the dragon's family will go to the game!" Long Tian said.

Longfei night can not help but have a little embarrassing, "Baby is not a thing that has been busy, forget it ..."

Suddenly asked again: "However,, the secret of the dragon family is not here, there is not the next half of the year, the prophet can say when seeing the little ly?"


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