After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1772, the big scorpion VS, first confrontation 2

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The one-hearted corner is shallow, "Zongmen ..."

Forgot to look at the city, the mouth also rose at the same time.

Mingyi Zhongyin hidden, a helplessness, Less Lord, you want to let Miss know, you are still alive, I hope she doesn't worry?

Yun Yun saw that I forgot to laugh in the city, it was somewhat uncomfortable, but he also known, perhaps because there may be Feng Yi's news, the mood of the city is followed.

Just don't forget the worry, I'm going to Wang Kun, who is like a pestle: "Let's go on the special dish of the three restaurants."

Wang Kun immediately nodded, "Okay, the Hall is slightly, this will be arranged."

The city packed up the mood, glanced at the eyes of the eyes, and Liu Xiu, who had forgotten some of them, and coughed, "Liu Xiu, I think you are also hungry? Sit down and eat it."

Liu Xiu donated, immediately had some embarrassment of hormonial, "Month, Xiaoxiao ... How can Xiuer together with you, this ... this is not good ..."

Forgot to listen to Liu Xiu again, turn again to the city, "Your ?"

The city is late: "No, just the woman with the rescue on the road, but Liu Xiu, I didn't expect your face to wash it, it is still very clear. That is ... a bit ..."

The formation is slow, and she is careful, which makes Liu Xiu's uncomfortable.

Liu Xiyi opened his mouth: "Month will be separated from Miss, and the show is so natural, if there is a little bit like, it is just coincident."

"I just said, it is a bit won't dress, and I don't say you like anyone." The city said faintly, and the eyes contained a smile.

Liu Xiun suddenly somewhat embarrassed, the next consciousness saw the worry, and quickly recovered the sight.

But she listened to the city, there is something wrong, and I can't help but have some embarrassment: "It's a lot of understanding, I just thought that Miss Moon would like to say that there is some like who ..."

Forgetting worry, I didn't look at her again, this made Liu Xiu are not so nervous.

Yun Wei shouted, how can he feel that Liu Xiu's opinion is too careful?

When Liu Xiu did not sit on the city, I also said another way: "Liu Xiu, you want me to come personally?"

Liu Xiu's face is still a bit difficult, seeing the city, "I ... Miss, Xiu Er just eaten, not hungry."

"Nothing, you can also eat it again." The city tone is obviously not refused.

Yun Yi refers to the position next to it, "You just sit there!"

Liu Xiu looked at it, he hesitated for a moment, and finally walked.

Forgot to see someone sitting on him, I still didn't say a word.

After a while, the box door was once again knocked, Wang Kun came in, "Let the Hall for a long time."

On the table, Yun Wei looked at the sadness and still did not have a good face, and the tone was light: "Since you have to eat, please, please leave it early."

The eyes of the city, with the meaning of discerns, directly to him: "Forgetting worry, you have not sin, your attitude cannot be placed?"

When Yun Hao suddenly worked, it did not sin? How much arrogant is speaking this kid talking? And laugh in the city? The eyes are so different!

Immediately go back to her, "Leather, are you blame me?"

The city is depressed, he is angry, there is not a good air: "You a big man, or the prince of the Prince, how is it?


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