After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1773, the big scorpion VS, first confrontation 3

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yun Wei directly replied: "Daguate? What did he say, you didn't hear it? He laughed with you, obviously not bad, let me know how much?"

The city is more speechless, replied again: "What do you think? Forgetting is the kind of person you think, he can't see it? I can't see my eyes, look at me, look at me. Is the eyes obviously different? "

She doesn't know why, anyway, it is so feeling, forgetting to look at her eyes, and smile, there is no men and women, but there is a feeling of hearing.

Yun Yunzhao's mouth, my heart is thinking, is it much?

When he replied: "Okay, no, no matter whether he has no points to you, if he uses the finish, he is not allowed to follow us."

The city is helpless: "You think more, people come here, there is something, it will be in a coincidence, how can we follow us?"

In the eyes of them, the city is still eye-catching, and sometimes it is like.

Forgot to worry and Liu Xiu is also watching them, just forgetting the worry, I can hear the mad city, but he can't hear it? This shows that the other party has been stronger than him.

If you think about it, you will look at the city. If you listen to her, you can still judge what they talk, and you can't help but rise.

Next to Liu Xiu looked at the two interactions there, I feel some inexplicable, but I can guess that the other party is using the voice.

I once again glanced over the lips of the milking, and the face was toned. When I gave him, I saw him looking at the city and showed a smile, and I actually appeared in a niche, and I went down to cover the past.

"Don't you eat?" I asked again.

The city turned to smile: "Eat, eat together." Said it also clipped the piece of meat into the Yunyi bowl.

This makes the Yun Hao hi, can't help but happy, look at it, I also put the piece of meat, "Come, you will eat."

Forgetting the worry, it is nothing to say, but there are some people who are not cool to Yun, picking up chopsticks, giving the cubes, "Leather, clear fish, you also eat."

When the city suddenly opened, he looked at him. He smiled and looked at him. He watched the fish in the bowl.

The mouth hook: "Thank you."

"It's so polite, it's too good." I have forgotten it.

Yun Yuzhen directly replied: "You are with us, this is outsiders."

Forgot to look at him, a cold voice, a serious way: "Maybe ... Yu I and I will say that you are real outsiders."

Yun Yu's face suddenly sinked down, and the city was busy to think about it, how did she feel, what is the words of forgetting? And today, I feel different from the last time in the swamp forest.

Yun Wei looked directly: "The future is the future of the palace, it is obvious, you are an unsolicient, you are not qualified to say this."

Forgot to make a smile, "I am indeed an outroad with you, I can not say that you will not say too much, maybe one day you will know, I said today. What meant. "

Yun Yun's face is more dark, with his understanding, forgetting to say he is outsiders, and forgetting to worry about itself, don't say too much? Another day you will know? Is this mean not very obvious? Forgot to declare war to him, will he take the city?


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