Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Mrs. ... Madam?" Yin Xiaoyue couldn't help but look at this time.

Yun Yu suddenly looked at it, "My lady, is there a problem?"

Yin Xiaoyue couldn't help but be a glimpse, and the head was shaken, and he said: "No, no problem."

Yun Yuyi recovered again to see the center of the field, and the month is just a look, she certainly knows what Yin Xiaoyue is amazed.

But there are not many ingredients, seeing to the field, for Yin Xiaoyue's reaction, dust is too lazy to see.

However, after Yin Xiaoyue reacted, the eyebrows were laughing, but they also knew that they couldn't laugh.

Looked at the month, then look at the dust, the mouth of the mouth, isn't it? Not too good!

Li Rira, who was worn out, but it was a little hatred.

Then, I took a shilly, I've been happy, I was intimate, I was close to Yin Xiaoyue: "Yue, the second emperor is nothing, do you have to be happy?"

Yin Xiaoyue glanced at the side glanced, I remembered the words she said before, I couldn't help but look at it. I didn't say other, just nodded, smiled: "Well."

Although Li Ri Lu can't help but look at her eyes, it is still a smile on the face or calm.

The two people have already handed over, the month, looked at the brows, and the white stone that had been collapsed once again, and the interterts were in the heart.

Yinshan thought that they would be , . . .. .. . ............

As a result, a few tricks in an instant, even didn't hurt each other, but even the corner did not encounter.

Even the surprises were surprised. For the fight between this power, they only avoid the escaping, if they are rushing, but only cannon gray.

The surrounding ground has also been destroyed. And this battle, also cited the guards in the Palace.

"Not good! Tahe Palace is there !!"

"God! Too many palace has a strong battle, I heard that it is a silver guard, bringing people with a small temple!"

"It's not good, I heard that the Queen was hurt, the silver guards were about to be hurting the war!"

The eunuch women in the palace are like a believer, and this is quickly spread.

Of course, the guards in the palace were also alarmed.

Outside the emperor, a guard will lead to the palace hall and worship the knee in the interior.

"The emperor is not good, it is not good, the Queen is injured, this is a coma to wake up, and the silver guard is fighting with the thief."

Li Chongzhen listened to the heart, the face was very shocked, and immediately struggled to get up, "Quick, cough and cough ... Fast help and see! Fast!"

"The emperor, you still lying well, the secretary is now going!" Li Chongming quickly held her and opened his mouth.

Moon white listening can not help but somewhat strange, how is the end of the terminal injury? Shouldn't you? Moreover, there is still a dusty dust. He is the emperor, or the young temple, and those people don't care if he doesn't care.

I want to see it first, I'm said: "The emperor, you ..."

Whenever a month, the ink, persuaded that Li Chongzhen has fallen into the outside, and Li Chongming is also anxious. After all, it is his mother, and no matter how her brother, even if you are busy, go to help him together.

Li Chongzhen is anxious, you can see from the look, even even clothes are not worn, and it is still in the clothes.


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