Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Moon ink is also following it behind, but I don't forget to sigh. "This emperor is really a filial son!"

It should be wavefront that this is too harmonious in the palace, in addition to the ground being destroyed, the surrounding building is not damaged.

They fight around, I don't know when I have been separated from the knockdown, and the two circles are in the war circle.

The silver field found the comics around the surroundings, but they can't help but be horrified. "The main trim of the Hall is also upgraded?"

In this moment, the ink attack came, and a strong energy cite hit him.


In the hurver, the silver wild has to stop using the black iron sword, and it is hard.

This attack hard and students hit him in the knot, so it was not easy to stand firm silver wild, and it has not been able to react, and the ink is in front of it.

"When fighting, I will taboo it."

The ink is ridiculous, lifting the hand, the email is a slap in the face.


This slap is very loud, even the teeth of silver are also flied.

The other party was also smashed by this slap, and his head slowed back, his face was a clear red mark.

Mo Wei said: "No one dares to be so arrogant to my master, before you start, you have to measure your ability."

Surrounded around ...

Those guards who are only watching the War, one is stunned, and it is completely unable to describe the scenes seen at this moment.

They didn't expect that one day, they had a strong man, and the silver field guarded, would it be so fast?

Still playing with people?


Even I just arrived on the scene, "this ... this is the guards of friends who have just brought back."

Li Chongming is also horrified, and I am busy nodding.

I will know that this will be like this early morning, and the corner of the mouth hooks, revealing a smile.

Yin Xiaoyue said with Li Riol, it couldn't think that it didn't expect that the other party was so young, and it was more than the Sixth floor of the Shengfa?

"You ..." After the silver wild, he found that he did not move by the other party.

It's obvious that it is incredible. "How? How can you? How is your repair?"

"Do not believe? Continue. Let you make a trick, it is best to use you the strongest skills. Don't say that I don't give you the opportunity." Moh was cold.

Yinshan also felt at the same time, and the bondage of the body also disappeared. Since the other party gave him a chance, then it will eventually defeat each other.

Boom ... The spiritual force is running speed, and the black iron sword is flashed.

... Just an instantaneous number of attacks have been attacked to the ink.

At the same time, a dark black storm is formed around, and the power is rapid, and the ink is surrounded.

"Black storm! By being dead!"

Bomb! !

The ground is also set off in a layer of slate, and the next moment is storm into the residue.

Many people think that they are stunned, breathing follows difficulties.

The ink jar is not lifted, calm and rang his hand, and when everyone thinks there will be a scene of the scene ...

The wind stopped ... The time seems to be prohibited.

The silver field is also awkward ...

It is quiet again.

boom! Stopping the black whirlwind group, suddenly changed, and attacked the silver wild.

Boom ... a loud sound, surrounded by death ...

will withdraw the nephew, and a small dusty ink is a good ink. The figure is flashing back to Yun Yuyi.

Only a few breathing, dust settled, showing a non-shallow pit, and the silver wild half of the body fell out of the pit. Full of scars, blood spots, shocking ...


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