After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1910 actually ate my mother's head?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Li Chongzhen's mouth is slightly bent, it seems to be free.

This moment of ban on the scene, and then open, those guards can also be free, and the rest of the two gold Akai guards are also reluctant.

Everyone approaches some, watching the emperor who once once, bowing down.

Li Chongming and Yin Xiaoyue are the most rushing, Li Chongming is difficult to tears in front of Li Chongming, Yin Xiaoyue is also sad, relative to her own grandmother, her mood is not so heavy, the heart is more reluctant is the emperor .

After a few seconds, Li Si Lu Lu has stepped on the past, and the cry is crying in front of the emperor's corpse.

"Father ... How can you go this way, the father! ..."

Even Li did run over, kneeling next to the headless corpse, his face is a little pale, swaying hands, crying, while holding the head of Ye Yafi from two meters, you want to return to the body, but, When the eyes on the head, the eyes of the dead are very strong, and I am straight to her.

Suddenly, "Ah !!" Li Mushuang was scared, and the head was thrown out.

The surrounding people look at it again and strangely ...

"This ... Even your mother is afraid?"

"People say, don't do anything, not afraid of ghosts."

"So, she did a loss?"

The moon has hooked a trace, a faint smirk.

However, I don't know if I have been in the past, I don't know where I have suddenly popped a Warcraft in this cold palace.

Under the horror of everyone, as well as the expression of the unpassive show, the Warcraft did not hesitate to swallow the people of Ye Yu ...

"What ... What?"


This is also outside the monthly flea, just when everyone is surprised, a man takes a group of people to take a big shot.

"How to take a moment?"

This young man is wearing a jade crown, a hairdressing, in a silver chap, followed by a neat defending team.


This sounds, focusing on many people's attention to him.

Li Ming has a good thing, he is not hitting, his eyes are boss, but also pointed to the Warcraft that is just licking, some is still unfinished, "you ... you, your Warcraft, actually put my mother Have you eaten the head? "

I immediately rushed to the clothes, but I was pulled by the captain by the guards around him.

Li Xu is somewhat, watching the unparalleled style of Li Ming, there is a bit messy, and the face is very ugly, and what she just said? Her mother? Isn't it ? It's not too dead to die?

"Aunt? What are you talking about? Your mother is ? Isn't it already?"

This makes Li's unparalleled non-resolver, and I don't know why, but this is really no. I immediately cried: "God! This is why! Mother! Not a child, not filial, do not let you see your death! It is really a man!"

"What will this do? Who can tell the Palace?" Li Xu is very strange, so many guards here, there are Li Chongming, Yin Xiaoyue is also crying? "

I also saw the . . .

Li Chongming got up to him: "Fall, you ... the father of the father, left."

"What?" Li Xi suddenly shocked on the spot and did not react at all.

I suddenly rushed over, when I saw Li Chongzhen, I have already died on the ground, I suddenly scared on the spot.

: "The father! What is going on at this time? Is this this?"


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