After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1911 What is the matter?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Li Chongming said: "This is a long, your father is suicide."


This made Liudulon, and Yin Xiaoyue next to him nodded: "Yes, ."

Li Rihao's low-striking If you can't afford to emperor, you can't afford to emperor, so ... the end or he, he ... ... "

The moon is waiting for the time to be cold, and the words of Lei Riese are obviously the prince who is unknown, and the Lusi is almost hate.

Zi Ruoyan is cold, said: "How do you talk? This animal is his own commitment, what is it?"

Lu Yan is directly threatened: "Don't think that you don't know what it means. If you want to make waves, you will see if you have that thing!"

"That is! Do you want to reunite with your poisonous woman now? Yes, there is your father, and you will be waiting for you to accompany him!" Zi Xing breathed, and his eyes were angry. Go forward to the scenery of the people.

Li Si Lu is surprised, it is very scared, and there is a lacrimal road. "No, I don't mean this, don't kill me, don't kill me, is ... I said something wrong, I It shouldn't say this. "

Li Xu was suddenly squinting, immediately asked: "What is your meaning? What is it? What is the sorry of dreaming? How can I be sorry? Emperor? Emperor? who is it?"

"Tell the Palace! What happened here! That is to hear that the palace is a palace, he heard that the emperor is with the father of the father. What about people?

This ... Zhou people people really don't know how to say. Some people think that it is clear and talks now.

"Prince! In fact, it is already dead early twenty years ago, it is killed, and the head of the World of Warcraft is , after the death of the Queen, after the death is too late, It is easy to accommodate her look, it has become too late, but ... in fact, the two people have already secret Chen Cang with the emperor. "

There is the first person to take the lead, naturally, the second third, then everyone seven tongues, you said that you will say all the things in me.

After listening to the beginning of the matter, Li Xu is a shocking level than Hi Chongming, and suddenly looks to the headless corpse next to it.

The face is suddenly dark, and it is more angry.

"This monster! I have hooked. Picking the father! Just a lover!"

Li Si Lu is a little panic, she is worried, the next spear will point to her.

Just after Li Xu, after the end of the matter, the moon took a long cough, and the times: "This Prince, you can now prepare the next thing in the emperor, but there is a person, you need to hand it over."

Li Xu looked at the moon, scratched doubts, and then said: "Who are you?"

"I am just a passerby, and it is also a friend of Lu Ziyue." The moon is away from the light.

"Lu Ziyue?" Li Xu was a little, how did he listen to this name is some familiar? What did you listen?

Yin Xiaoyue is busy: "Prince's brother, the month is a dream moon, she is taken away by the Lord of Lingzong."

Li Xu suddenly surprised, "Ling Zong? Lingzong's land purple moon?"

"Well, yes." Yin Xiaoyue nodded.


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