After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1912 plays a heart, there must be a degree

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! This time, Li Xu didn't know what to say. At this time, Li Chongming sighed: "But now, I don't know if I am still willing to come back."

"Dream, the moon is not a princess of this small country." Zi Ruo is very self-polite directly.

This makes Li Chongming somewhat embarrassing, Li Xu is also sorry, and suddenly said: "Is this?"

Li Chongming opened: "This is a clear brother, the hidden family of Hidden family."

Li Xu Min, and then he was seriously said: "Zi Bo Bo is sorry to have a rude to you,"

Zi Ruo is cold, turned to the purple month, "Month, there is a shocking, let's go first? First follow the purple home, go see your grandfather with grandmother, live in a period of time, stay You are hurt, if you want to return to Lingguo and return. "

Li Xu, who touched the cold nails, did not be angry, just some embarrassed.

The side of Li Si Lu looked at the Eye Yue Yue. I was a little in my heart. I asked crying: "Purple moon, even if you refuse, the father is also gone, you even didn't send it in the last journey? He is already gone, isn't you sad? How can you be cold? "

The surrounding people suddenly surprised, some people immediately went on the scene: "This is the princess of this Purple Moon, isn't it afraid of being dealt with by Zizhu?"

"Instead of dealing, I can't hear it, I can't hear it, it is difficult to grab it?"

"That's right!"

The moon has returned to Yun Wei, and the tone is irony: "I think this woman is not a water-saving light. Although it is unpopable, the words are saying, it is very uncomfortable. "

Yun Wei joked the hair of her head, gentle road: "Nothing, evil, only the time is not arrived."

Lu Ziyue's face is still pale, listening to Li Rira, a bit of cold.

In the face of the last moment, I finally repented, how much is a bit of hate to him, just, it is impossible to thoroughly forgiveness. After all, it is a harmonious thing that killed his mother, and she did so many wrong things. She is not Southern people don't do anything when I don't do anything.

Now Li Si's accusation, let her feel a special dislike, "Are you finished?"

Lu Yan was cold and looked at Li Rira, and immediately said: "The crown of crown, but what do you think, you should know more than anyone."

The praislen is not to say, suddenly appearing in front of her, raising his hand, holding her collar, and then, Li Rira is unrestrained, "What do you want to do?"

"What to do? I will know!" The other is a slap, and at the same time: "Be a person, you must first have some self-knowledge."

Snapped! It is also a slap, and again, "" Playing the heart, there must be a degree. "

Snapped! Again again, "Your mother has not teacked you, talking, you can, but thorns to see people, don't grow your eyes."

! boom……

Finally, I lost someone on the ground, directly cold, and returned to the sun.

The purple star is twice, directly: "Let the purple moon cry? Give him a funeral? Do you want more?"

"Let's say it again, Yiyue is the daughter of this host. The big lady of Lingzong is not the princess of Gayor. It doesn't matter with the Gayo." Lu Yan is cold, passing to everyone's ears in.


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