Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! One of the men and a woman under the lower side also looked at the dust, and the face was a little vigilant and watched the moon and went to Yun Yu.

In the end, it is rare that some can't stand, or ask: "Shandian Lord, they?"



A man and a woman looked at the month and watched the eye.

The moon has hooked a smile: "What did the predecessors say, the old man and the young temple are the brothers who have a brother, and the two brothers, two, although they are relieved."


The violet is slightly changed, and some is a difficult look, but it is not a negative if it looks at the last words, there is no negation, and it is not good to say anything.

Zi Fusong got her two people won't go, and the face was in a positive, and the road to the dust: "Since the people who believe in the Hall, then my husband and wife will naturally trust."

Donned, and said: "This time I have two people, I believe that the Hallowman has known the intention."

Zi Fusong and the violet pair, the eyes of the husband and wife were firmly nodded.

The Puris Rong opened, and the expression is dignified, "I want it."

"Letter." .

Zi Wan Qian immediately took out a small sandalk box from the ring, and the dust did not wait for him to hand, raised his hand, and the box arrived in his hand.

Open the box, which is a deep black fine iron created 'Pluto.

Yun Wei looked at the eyes, and his eyes scheduted with an unexpected color, and then went.

, looked at his husband and wife, the tone is light: "Resurrection can, but also take the price."

"At the price? You said, as long as my husband and wife can do it, I will do it." Zi Wan Qia Hui said.


This makes the Puriza couple can't help but play, Yang Shou?

The two people looked at the dust, and the eyes were obvious.

The month will move at the same time, and the clouds are moving. Look at the , in the two people, I understand what Yang Shou means.

: "White, come in."

Zi Fusong can't help but accidentally, there is a man in the hall, and the face is also more white. It is also more white. It is just that the eyes are cold, and the lip color is relatively bright.

Like Violet Thousand, some suspected eyes look at the man, I will think of a name in my mind.

At the same time, you will get out: "White impermanence?"

There is no normally screaming, a cool tone: "Have you seen me?"

Amount ... is really!

Two young couples, and the mouth suddenly smoked. Violens quickly waved, "No, we have not seen it, I haven't seen it."

Who will be willing to see the wingli in the world? Only death can have the opportunity to see 'people', how can they meet?


White is not always guilty: "Yes!"

Turning to the Zip family: "Wang said, the price of you wants you to give up your Yangshou, give you the daughter, as clear. Because she is already dead, it means that Yang Shou has also If it is resurrection, there must be Yang Shouqing. Do you want? "


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