Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The moon is moving, and it is clear, and it understands.

Just, I will see the two old ages of the purple family for this question. If they are willing, it is naturally no problem. If it is unwilling, then the problem is big.

Yun Yuyi gave the moon: "Less, you guess, how do they choose?"

The moon looks at the love of Zi Fusong and the violet, with the back: "Nature is willing."

Yun Wei hooked a little smile: "But they hesitate."

"Maybe hesitating is not what you think." The moon will return.

At this time, just that Zi Fubong wants to open, then seeing the purple Wanqiao pulling her hand, smiling: "Furong, our daughter, natural us to save, and you are my beloved, I won't let you have something Let me come. "

Zi Fusong moved the eyes looked at the violet, and immediately entered him, and his eyes contained the meaning of moist, said: "Thousands, but I don't want you to have something, if you are not there, what is alone? meaning."

Zi 10,000 painfully embracted her, caressing her back, gentle smile, : "Fool, this is not to die, you cry."

The moon is revealed with a shallow smile, watching their husband and wife, can't help but feel a little, but some can't help but laugh ...

"Envy?" Yun Yu suddenly asked.

The moon is from the side, "I don't envy, we can also."

This makes the Yun Yun's mouth suddenly showed the color, I just want to reach out of the moon, the moon hide, obliquely: "Don't mess, I am a man now."

Ok, Yun Yu has to let go of the raised hand again, showing a smile: "We will be better than them."

, ,, , ,

Zi Fusong age is also four or five hundred years old. It should not be less than this number. It is only the reason why the two hesitate, and it is more important to see it. It is only forty. .

White impermanence looked at this scene and was not moved, and forgive him, I really can't move.

It also simply interrupted their warmth, straightforward: "You have made it all the holy level, and there is still a thousand hundred years of Yangshou, just need to give your daughter a hundred years of life, after she can practice You can extend your own life infinite. It's not to give you all Yang Shou. Is it necessary to die? "


The moon is pulling down, and it is impurdeed that this guy is really welcome. Although she is just a reason to laugh, it is because of this, but it is just that it is straightforward, and it is too much to give face?

Out of a smile again, soon.

Zijia husband and wife reacted, quickly opened each other, and Zi thousands of thousands of coughs, hiding their embarrassment.

Zi Fubong immediately wiped his eyes, and some sorry, I was so embarrassed, and I immediately said: "White people said, I am embarrassed to make a laughter."

"The His Royal Highness of Pluto, then use Zikou Yangshu, I don't know, when can I let the little girl resurrected?" Ziwan is busy.

: "Tomorrow."

The husband and wife did not understand the way: "Tomorrow?"

They also learned when they came, tomorrow is the sacrifice ceremony of the temple, if it is tomorrow ...

The white impermanence looked at them, and immediately opened: "Tomorrow, you can listen to this son."


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