After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2037 believes that the power is a vortex!

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! There are still a few hands around the black robe, and suddenly watch him.

Bai impermanence glanced at them, but it is not implying to the black robe: "The power of the faith has no effect on you? You still don't go, is it going to see the scenery here?"

Huang Shiming faintly looked down, glanced, and he was eyebrow. "This is to see the scenery, how?"

There is no one in the mouth, and it is like laughing. "Don't you, do you have to see the scenery in this? If you have a masterpiece? If there is a master of Jin Dynasty, what can I do if I am hurting?"

Huang Shiming smiled, "Is it? Thank you for your concern, this seat is itchy itching."

There is no often eyebrows, and smiles. "So, you are not going to go, do you want to stay here? If you have something big, then don't blame Xiao Ye not reminded."

Huang Shiming didn't think about it: "Reassure, even if there are other people here, this seat will be good."

Listening to this confident full tone, white impermanence in his heart, turned to stay before leaving the sentence: "Then I will wait and see, wait to see you 'good'." The mouth of the mouth is outlined. Here.

Huang Shiming looked at the back of the white impermanence, and the doubts were crossed. His cultivation, he could not detect it? How can this be?

"Adult, or don't we go outside? Anyway, the kid is in the top of it. He must not run away." When you listen to white impermanence, you still have a scruple, after all, is a robbery, They have been repaired by the king level, but they don't want to waste spiritual power to do defense.

Huang Shi Ming slowly said: "You first go outside and wait, this seat is sitting here."

Several hands under each other, I am hesitating, don't go, I suddenly roll up in the sky.

Rumble ... bored rang.

Suddenly no longer hesitate, headed by: "Yes, it is the same as it is outside."

Several no longer delay, quickly launch the range of the square blockade.

At this time, there is indeed a robbery, rumbling! !

The person who burst into robbery was not far from him.

Huang Shiming glanced over the clouds above, and then looked at each other, did notad: "Talent king level."

I also saw that dozens of dozens left on the square, glimpse the Yinhe, and I have never been promoted to the sight of the rituals, but the source is constantly absorbed.

I can't help but self-passage: "So many absorptions, there is no promotion?" I can't help but expose doubts.

At this time, everyone also discovered that they couldn't see the special energy that can be observed, and quickly moved to the sacrificial platform.

"This is the feeling is right? Is it the power of faith?"

"Yes! How can I go there so much?"

Many people said that they did not understand, watching the white mask men sitting on the courtyard, and it is also surprised.

Someone is excited: "It's not ... The sacrificial table is actually the best position to absorb the strength of the belief?"

"Can't it? Although there are many absorptions. However, the monument is like a success, there is no promotion from just now?"

"Yes! I can explore him before I am in the second floor of Yuan Ying. Now it is still the second floor of Yuan Ying." The person feels incredible, the absorption is so large, it is so exaggerated, but it is not to advance? "

Some people think that it is incredible, can't help but surprised: "You see clearly, the faith around her is a vortex! There is also aura! How can I not promote it?"

The disciples of those martial arts look at this situation, obviously an envious and hateful, "too waste! It's too wasteful!"

"Just, absorb so many beliefs, and the aura, it doesn't have a little moving? If you change to Laozi, I have already advanced the king level."


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