After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2038 Xiao Zhengtai, prison

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Just! His body should be a funnel body? Hahaha!"

Funnel physique?

Everyone was stunned, and then the reaction came over, and many people laughed.

"Isn't it? This describes that it is very pleasing!"

"Take a look, there are several talented sons that can only absorb rarely, but at least people will continue to advance."

There are also girls who have obvious disdain: "I want to say that the Shandian master is very poorly friendly people, is not afraid to lose face?"

After the girl said, next to him also nodded, "This is, how do you say that" How can people be such a person? "

"Although we are not a big door, it is better than he qualifying, how can he meet a young temple? The attitude towards him is different from others, you have just Didn't find it? "There was a man who did not understand.

Someone nodded immediately said: "It seems like oh?"

Li Ji Mi, who was spear, was bent, and couldn't help but laugh. The eyes were slightly smiled. "Perhaps ... there are other people who don't know how to know?"

Some people don't understand what she is meaning, but some are still listening to the deep meaning in the words.

Then I turned to the eyes of Shura, I was weird, some can't help but bow, and I didn't talk.

Liu Fang immediately pulled La Li Ji Mei: "Nine sisters, don't say, don't know if you don't know, careful."

Li Ji Mi suddenly shrugged: "Nothing is Fang Fang. Maybe, I am telling the truth ... Hey! Who? Who just ..." Someone Her hips? " Still very powerful!

Liu Fang's meteor believer is a few days, and there is some strange her reaction: "Nine sisters? What happened? How is your face?"

"Yes! Your face is not right?" Another female disciple asked.

Li Jiimei turned into a few men behind him, angry, but it was difficult to say words in the mouth. "You ... you, who? Who?"

The people behind, all of them are inexplicably.

"Who is anyone?"

"Hey! Don't let me know who is it! Otherwise, I am not killing!" Li Jiubi turned and turned, but there was still suspicious red on his face.

The crowd is not far, white impermanence is brought by the disorder next to him until the toddler of his thigh.

On this child's head, there is a pair of black demon horns, and there is a black small tail, the fart is a black small tail. The meat and pink face have some drums. The mouth is drove, the hands of the chest, the dark red , Is unhappy, Li Jiimi, who is unhappy.

Xiao Zheng is too hot, but it is only whitelo.

Just listening to his tone is quite unhappy: "Why don't you let me eat her?" The sound is cold and low.

Bai Youtrongly replies: "Prison, even if you can get the mouth? What's more, what do you bite her butt?"

He turned a white eye, "Of course it is eating!"

There is a few mouthfuls of white without a long mouth. It is noted that this guy looks at this guy. I can't help but knead his meat. I have a smile: "Even if you want to eat, you have to wait for you to restore your own body! Directly swallow Get it, bite her ass? It is not too stinking? "

Not waiting for the prison, it is opaque and said: "However, your guy, what is going to do?"

Prison took his hand, the expression cool replied: "Of course, it's coming to see the big lady! Do you think to see you? Hey!"

Speaking of this, the eyes suddenly looked at the sacrificial platform, and the small stars were also flashing.


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