Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Men have been can't stand it. This is more exciting to take the female big step in the house.

I still read it in my mouth: "I don't want to make you down tomorrow."

The woman suddenly laughed and opened, "I don't let me down ..."

After the two entered the hospital, after entering the room, the door was close.

Subsequently, he heard some unbearable sound came out ...

In the dark, a few have always been "watching this scene, the face is not very good.

The first reaction of Longfei Night is to give red art, and the road: "Small art is wiped, so filthy picture, you can't see."

The red art is helpless to get his hand, "Nothing, it is ... That is, there are some expansions."

"That's ears, how can this silence can enter your ears." Longfei night gave her ears.

Greenmake is very weird, "Longfei Night, you are not more than that ..."

"Green, your ears are also dirty? Do you want me to give you?" Longfei Night immediately stopped him, if he said, then it was.

Feng Dance is a depressed: "How is this man not to live? In the evening, the danger is dangerous to find a good?"

The red art is in a place: "I really felt worthless for the lady of the man, this even a traitor ** is really too long!"

"Yes! It is not to face! It turned out to go out of his wife! It's too much to face!" Feng Dance was suddenly felted.

Longfei night also nodded, "Yes, this man is really damn."

"But ... this is now fast, why still didn't move?"

Xiao Yan sighs: "Otherwise, I will see that there is any discovery."

! !

A sound from the front street lanes, let a few meat color.

Longfei night immediately saw the eye, "I have an accident! Let's take a look!"

Longfei night flew outside the window, rushed to the other side of the street, and a few phoenix dances immediately chased it.

! ! ...

Two black masked people fell on the ground, and the pain was mournful.

Next to a young man in the ground, there seems to be a lot of frightening.

Longfei night will ask the red art: "How?"

The two people on the monster's cold eye disdain, some depressed: "The murderer is not waiting, waiting for two robbers."

Feng dance a few more depressed, "Isn't it?"

Longfei night looked at the two painful people on the ground, and then looked back to the two, come back and forth.

There is no patience of phoenix dance, and the two people who have not stunned on the ground: "Do you want to die? Don't know that Mo City is not peaceful? Still caught in the middle of the night? To grab it Will you challenge a day? Again, if you are not afraid, don't grab this! "

"It is necessary to grab it, don't change some place?" Feng Dance knit on the ground, and he didn't rush to make a few feet.


When you have a bit less natural, the red art is quickly pulling the phoenix dance, "Xiao Dance, forget it. It is not a busy living tonight, but also caught two robbers?"

Feng Dance is emotional, and the line of sight is located next to a man. The other side seems to be very afraid of her, by her eyes, the body is not treated, I can't help but refund.


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