Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Feng dance also didn't have a good temper: "What are you going to do in half a night?"

One of the other sides is so embarrassing, but also a relieving: "Yes, sorry, we just came back to see Xiangyuan, I forgot the time. Just from this pass, I didn't expect these two A robbery. "

"Hmm? I know Xiangxiang?" Longfei night was seriously scored, "Since you are playing in Xiangxiang to play now, why don't you only live there?"

"We also think, but the room is too late, we also know going back." Another man suddenly helpless.

Longfei night again doubts this other party, "the passer is full? The recent business is so good?"

"What is the place in Xiangxiangyuan?" Hong Art suddenly asked.

The green eyes are suspiciously looked at Longfei Night, "How do you know?"

Longfei night will react, but there is no two men, one of them, one of them: "Zhixiangyuan is Mo Cheng Qinglou."

Hey, a few lines of sight is shot at the same time, and the consciousness of Longfei night will look forward to the red art.

Feng dance a few next to the white eyes, this guy is not 300 no silver this place?

Red art can't help but understand: "Night brother, what are you tension? It is not a green building, you are?"

Xiao Yu , 'He is sure to come to Mo City before you go to know the building, otherwise what? '

The phoenix dance is very much nod.

Next to the two men looked at them, they were talking.

This is a man who didn't say it, I couldn't help but cough two, and then the opening: "This, Dragon Master ... Can you handle this in advance first?"

Hongyi suddenly reacted, immediately pushed some, "Night brother, there is something to go back."

Longfei night can not help but laugh, "Okay, let's go back and say."

This smile, let Feng dance a few people feel that there is a ghost, it is not the kind!

Longfei night turned to the cold, the gods converge, a positive way: "Is there any other abnormal situation just now?"

The cold is shook his head, disappointed: "No, in addition to encountering these two robbers tonight, the other is not."

The monster also said: "Well, just these."

Longfei night went to the two robbers, explored their repair, voice slightly: "Yuan Ying three-layer? 5th floor? Is this this point to be able to come out at this time?"

The two robbers struggled immediately, and asked the Longfei night to seek: "Ask everyone to let us let us! We are also forced to have already, and you will not dare again!"

Longfei night approached two people who were almost robbed, and they bowed all over, and they secretly crossed a different color.

Sound and sound: "Where do you live? This small master sent you to go back, this big half night, don't guarantee if you still have a whisper, for the money, for the sake of money, it is still in the middle of the night. Alley, right? "

The two of the opposite came, suddenly, slept, "No, no, no."

"How is this, this son knows? The city owner is cold, you can be the people of Mo City, do you think that the Cold Shacheng does not care about your safety?" Longfei night finished, immediately reflected Cold.


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