Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Chen Yuan was shocked, and immediately said: "No ... Will n't it? He didn't say that we have to help us?"

I quickly avoided a flame attack, and shouted: "Master's life! Master!"

"God! We only have the cultivation of Yuan Ying, how can we play the unicorn ..."

Yao Yanjing followed Sun Jiajia after the unicorn, while labeled tone, but also reacted immediately.

"What happened to the attack?" Yao Yujing looked at the position of the attack, his eyes were squintted. "Who is there?"

"Now I think about the way to help Song brothers are." Sun Jiajia saw that Qilin's attention was transferred to Song, and suddenly worried.

Yao Yu is relaxed, knows: "I have forgotten, nothing."

"However, the master did not shoot now ..." Sun Jiajia saw the surroundings, never met the shadow.

On the other side, the sound of the earth, and the roar of Kirin.

Yao Yuxi is said: "What are you worried? He doesn't see you, I believe him!"

Seeing Yao Yujing said confident looks, it is totally different from Song Zi.

However, at this moment, Song Yizheng has been complained in his heart for a while. He is in the attack of Chen Yuan Wolf, and some of his base cards are also used.

"This unicorn is too strong! We are not opponents at all!" Chen Yu was hurry to take out an attack.

Song Yizheng has a flame of rolling insurance, and it is rapidly printed in his hand.

The unicorn appears a circle of water balls in an instant, Song Yutang waved, "Go!"

A few signs, the water ball turns to the Qilin, the unicorn lifts, and his whispering the earth wall, stop it.

... attack failed.

Kirin rushed to Song, Song Yue Kong was also enlarged in this moment, immediately shouted, "saved ... Save me!"

The flame is sprayed in an instant, straight to the Song Dynasty.

boom! !

"Song brother!" Sun Jiaquaton was frightened.

Yao Xijing is also shocked to have forgotten the reaction ... This is gone?

"Cough ... I, I am fine ..." A voice from above, passed over, and see it below.

I saw that they thought that they were dead, they were forgotten in their hands.

Sun Jiajia can't help but celebrate: "It's great, it is so good, the Song brothers are fine."

"I will say it, forget the worry will be shot." Yao Yu is slightly like a little.

Kirin immediately looked up at the people above, the burning flame burned, made him more fierce, and the anger of the eyes smashed.


Just this kind of eyes are gradually weakening when they see someone, and they are not so strong.

Forgotten the Song dynasty, I put him in Yao Yujing, and my eyes stared at the opposite unicorn.

The fire in Kirin gradually faded, like some doubts, slowly close to the step, which made Yao Yujing suddenly scared.

After his Song Yao behind him, he said: "Master, it is coming. Fast, fast!"

Forgot to worry, he didn't pay attention to him, he can see it, this unicorn seems to have no hostility.

Kirin is close to some, is going to open the mouth, "you ..."

... I will shoot two attacks again and directly hit the unicorn.

Forgetting the worriedness over a cold, look at the direction of attacking, "Looking for death."

Kirin At this time, the attention is forgotten this. I have a heart, the dodge is slow, which makes a spiritual attack just hit him.

... The legs are hurt.

This allows the unicorn to weaken the anger, and directly turn straight to the direction of attack.

Just stopped Chen Yuan was scared by the situation, hurriedly stuck, "no ... not me ..."


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