After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2122 followed all the way, not tired?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Boom! ! A big group of fire sprayed, Chen Yuan voice was overwhelmed in the flame.

"Ah ... Chen Jiaxong, Chen Dynasty!" Sun Jiajia's eyes almost helped, incredible, and a living alone would be ash.

"Hey !! The dead man dares to attack!" Kirin angry looked opposite.

Song Wei also dared to believe, "this ..."

"Master! Why don't you save Chen Yuan? How can you see death?" Song Wei immediately got angry.

Forgot to look at him, the cold tone slowly opened: "Where are you standing? What is the qualification?"

When I heard the money, Song Yu did not be quiet, but anger: "You can save him! You are trying to repair, but you stand, watch him by Kilin!"

"Yes?" Forgot to say anything more, but just looked at him.

Yao Xi will immediately forget the sorrows: "How do you determine what to forget? Just forget to save you, you don't have gratitude, now blame him? Is your conscience to eat by World of Warcraft?"

Song Yun suddenly speechless, for Yao Yanjing, he could not refute, but he turned to think that he always felt that it was forgotten to deliberately did not save Chen Yuan.

"Hey! You are the most dead!" The unicorn was mad, and the Song Li was once again slammed.

This is forgotten that it is just a light look, and it will disappear the original place.

Song Yizhen was forgotten, and suddenly panicked, and quickly moved the spiritual force to block the unicorn, the printed, "ice sword! Go!"

Sun Jiajia looked at this situation, "I am coming! Let's help Song brothers!"

Yao Yanjing doesn't want to send it, and Song Yizhao is always protecting Wu Siyuan. She just thanked her, she didn't want to save.

At the same time, Sun Jiajia said: "How can you be hit by Kirin?"

! ! It is another attack.

Song Yizhi also gave the attacking Yu Bo Zhei, and the heavy smashing is not far from the place.


Strive to raise your hand, think about it, watching the unicorn of him, the fear from death is rapidly.

"Cough ... cough ... don't, come over, no ..."

Suddenly, the other side, also sounded, the unicorn stopped, turned and see.

In addition, several were also surprised, and they went to the direction.

! ! boom!

Just a few times, forgetting the worried, I lost two men on the ground: "This is hurting you."

Yao Xijing took the fire on Qilin, can't help but feel strange: "Who they are?"

"Is your attack to introduce Qilin to us? Who are you!" Sun Jiajia angry.

"Is your Chen Dynasty?" Yao Sai was suddenly reacted.

Song Yizhen can't help but feel strange, "these people ... cough, how can they follow us?"

The unicorn did not move at this time, quietly looked for someone, the red looks like a flare, the light in the eyes slightly fused.

Forgotten is still indifferent, there is no extra emotions, just look at the two people on the ground look more condensed: "Follow all the way, not tired?"

The two men on the ground look at the unicorn and look at the idea of ​​forgetting: "You are less, we have passed here."

"Is it? That's just ..." Forgot to say something nodded, it seems very recognized that the other party said.

The two couldn't help but mistaken. I didn't expect the other party to admit it.


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