After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2253, we don't worry

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Just Dragon Qiujun, they saw Longxi to be walking by the people, and I haven't been happy in my heart. Some people stop.


The moon is coming out, and everyone suddenly came.

Long Tian said yet, Long Toy Lin immediately asked: "Is it something wrong with the wind?"

"This son is only one thing, it is not clear, I want to let this son to help me." Moon left.

Dragon Xiaton saw the moon, showing unexpected colors on the face.

Longxiu stopped, and doubtful to the moon.

The Dragon Stringent Star is not awkward: "If you are a big friend, even the goblin, but you can't delay the time of the main funeral. To find him, you can still find it again. Yes, don't you have to do it now? "

"But, I want to know now?" The month will ask him directly, do not wait for him to return, turn to Long Tian: "What is the Dragon's idea?"

Long Tian proudly shook his head: "Wonderful, time is still, the wind is why you want to solve it! Although asked."

Many people have unexpectedly, this dragon master seems to be very controversy? Can you delay when you funeral your own son?

When Moofou does not solve, the long-lasting long life is somewhat uns, and Mo Yi doesn't understand.

However, Lagasaki actually said: "Feng Gong wants to ask casual."

what? Lian Long's old ancestors also agree?

See this, Dragon Qiujun has a few, and suddenly looks nervously to the dragon game.

Longyin Lin frowned and immediately said: "Please do this, I feel that this matter, I feel wrong, after all, this is not only the time of the young owner's burial, and there are still many people waiting! Even if you don't want the dragon, It is also necessary to scruple how many foreign guests? "

Dragon Eagle stared at the moon, and I didn't know what I thought. Dragon Qing also followed the opening: "The owner, the head of the head, I feel that there is no need to waste time."

The month asked outside: "You, can you take up a little time? Halfread is not needed."

I heard her, some women directly rushed back: "If the wind is invited, we don't worry."

"Yes, we don't hurry."

Yunxiao actually likes to join in the fun, and his purpose is not a good night, and immediately states: "Feng Gong, please."

Then, the night wind and Yun Zhao have followed the same way: "The wind is pleaseequate."

Yu Chengguang is interested in seeing that it has never sent a word, quietly when a bystander.

Seeing that they have no objection, which makes the Dragon Stringent star.

One two, regardless of the male woman, do you have to help the wind?

Just because of his long look? Just because she has a beast? Is she coming in the god? hateful!

At this moment, the Dragon Stringent star is very embarrassed, but it is only very hidden to hide your own mind, and even the eyes will keep peace.

"Since everyone has no opinion, then you should have no reason to don't let it?" The month said to look at the Dragon Toy Lin Father, and glanced over

How many of them can you?

Dragon Qing said with a sleeve, snort to talk. Although there are some embarrassments on the face of Longyin Lin, but still try to keep calm: "The wind is laughing, everyone has no opinion, we naturally have no opinion, how can it stop?"

"OK, then I asked." The month is over, and I look at Longxi. "It is actually very simple, I want to know, what do you say, what they said, you only need to review it."


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