After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2254 is difficult to say? 1

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Longxi didn't know that she would ask this, and did not prepare for concealing, just to open.

"The wind is, if you want to ask this, I think there is nothing to say."

This is what Dragon is said, she said that people present are very unexpected, but they don't include some people.

When you hear this, the most surprised is that Longxi and another person know each other, it is incredible to watch her: "Xiaoxia, what do you say?"

"Why? How could it be said?"

"Just! Just now, they are provoked first, they first chart!"

Long Ji Lima said that I didn't accept it. "What can we provocative? Want to show this anti-conservation? No door! We will not yield!"

"It is!" Several two veins also expressed uncomfortable.

Dragon Tiger had a few angry in an angry, and suddenly expressed dissatisfaction with Longxiao. Before that, Long Qiujun had a few more angry.

At this moment, it is more annoyed, and I can't understand Long Xiao, she doesn't say even if it is, I still stop Longxi to say?

Dragon Tiger couldn't help but pointed to her: "Do you still have Longxi's kisites? Do you want to watch him is a half-dead?"

Another man angry: "Do you have a betrayal of the little Lord? So I helped them?"

Long Xiao immediately replied: "I have not, and now I don't know clearly, just let you do it!"

The moon is rolled in the moon, and the color of the disappointment is swayed, and the mouth is smashed, and the tone is light: "So, you would rather choose not to tell the truth?"

When I heard this, Long Xiao's eyes flashed, suddenly the face is correct, said: "This matter has nothing to do with the son, please don't ask again."

See this, the Dragon Strings is immediately inserted: "In this case, what else do you say?"

Longxi's performance on Longxiao is very strange. He is not clear how long it will change, she has changed her personal.

"Xiaoxiao, what happened? Why is you?"

"No, no matter what, brother, you have to believe me." Long Xiaoyu brought tears and looked at him.

This makes Longxi feel complicated, and I don't know how to say it.

The people of the dragon's family have many curiosity. Long Xiao's is still very nice in the dragon. They are all loyal to the dragon home as their brother.

But now, even a few of them feel that the dragon swim forest is biased in the second pulse, the punishment is too much, but why do she not willing to clear?

Not only do you refuse, don't let others say?

Long Tian proudly also felt wrong, immediately said: "Dragon Xia, do you have any difficulty? This master is here, you said, who said, if you dare to make your brothers and sisters, this home is never alert!"

When he spoke, he was inadvertently glanced in the dragon, but the Longyin Lin not only didn't have a heart, the waist said it straight.

However, Long Xiao hesitated, or shook his head directly: "Go back home, Long Xiao is not difficult to say."

The moon left nearly two steps, looked at Long Xiao and shook his head again, and the tone was quite disappointed: "Sometimes ... is not for others to make a violation of conscience, even because some threats will make a violation of morality The bottom line is very, and it is not helpful, or it is threatened because it is not helpless, or threatened. "

"Do you think that everything you do is, you have a hard work? I feel that this reason can convince others, let others forgive all the behavior, then you will be wrong!"


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