After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2285 is like ... Is it excessive?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! For sudden plugs. The strange voice coming in, almost everyone will look back.

Lu Ran said that he wanted to shoot him on the spot, can't help but bite his teeth: "This guy is addictive?"

Villa cleared a slice, and the mouth was slightly pulled, and immediately said: "Maybe it is really sad?"


Zi Ruoqing didn't know, Lu Yan will not know, take a deep breath, so as not to be impulsive.

Yun Yuzhen is dusty, "It's better to save him now. It is accompanied by the guy with the night."

"Agree." The dust did not oppose it, and his eyes were disappointing, looking at people.

With their different ideas, those outsiders can't help but sigh: "I didn't expect that moon god doctors have to support Long Shao Lord."

"Maybe, this is a sincere friendship with less people?" Everyone sighed.

Long Tian proudly touched, looked at it, the hair was scattered, the clothes were scattered, and the clothes were like being taken, the a few hairdresses were somewhat wet, will not be being wet by 'tears??

This tears are really more ...

I don't know why, some are red, my face is slightly pale, and the eyes of the eyes are also a bit heavy. It seems to have a dark circle, the lips are slightly trembled, and the road is flying, and two people are supported.

I have been talking in my mouth, this looks, how is it not excessive than being sad, it is like ... is excessive?

"Mind ... You don't have to do this, really don't do this, fly night is already gone, if you are striking, your body is not good." Long Tian arrogantly opened his mouth to persuade.

Mo shouted this kind of moonlight, suddenly distressed, "ink white! You may be like this, you look like, flying in the night, you will have a distressed ..."

Moon White once again raised the tears, it's hard to say: "Up, uncle, the master ... You don't want to persuade, fly night has gone, I don't want to ..."

"In this case, it is better to accompany the night." Yun Wei was disappointing to see him.

If this guy is letting this guy, the words will become flavored!

The moon ink, tears, the eyes of the moon, the cloud, the cloud, it is hard to say: "I also stop sad, but I can't help ... Flying night! Fly night!"

Night winds can't see it. "I really didn't expect the monthly doctor and there will be so badly, don't trim, don't trim ..."

Yun Zhan can't help but feel some emotions, "Maybe it is really a dragon who is away, some blows."

Everyone looked at him and suddenly remembered. "Isn't the soul of the Dragon Master?"

"Yes, you are not I forgotten."

Everyone looked at the moon, because only she had 'yin and Yang eyes'.

Dragon Eagle also looked at the moon, "Are you sure to be a generic ghost? So want to be buoy, what about the soul?"

"Dragon two elders know, now I have to funeral. Of course, I will be lying here. Do you want you, or your son, Dragon Er, and want to play with him?" The moon looks to him, his mouth hooks Laughing.

Although the face is not very good, it does not mean that the momentum is not.

When the other party listened, I suddenly became ugly. "Who said to accompany him? The head is only care!"

Dragon Eagle didn't help but looked up and looked at Liangzi on the eyes. It was the hanged female ghost, and he was also asked.

"What ... what ..."

Dragon Eye is scared, retreats, step on the ladder behind it, falling on the ground.


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