After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2286, I see your hand in Holden

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Dragon Eagle's response, let the others will be unreasonable.

"Second brother? What are you going?" Longhua immediately forwarded with Longqing.

Longyin Lin was originally left to say that the ghost of Longfei and the night will play with him. It is already frightened, and then he is so big that he is so big, it is not banned.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? Will you find you?"

When I heard the dragon, I didn't look good, and he didn't see it, but he was a hanging ghost.

Being upright by Longhua, his face was also black, "Don't say, nothing." The words, people can't help but look up.

The ghost on the hanging is no longer, but ...

Dragon Eagle brow can not help but get up, this time you see the girl's face is clear than last time, why did he have seen it?

Just when he fell into his own recall, there was a blurred face in the mind that he had to appear.

"Long Eye?"

The dragon's voice interrupted his thoughts.

Dragon Eagle has to return to God and return to the back: "Big Brother, what happened?"

"I have been sitting, the funeral continues, don't delay the time of the young master's burial." The dragon's voice is cold, seeing that he feels a little strange, it seems that his face is not very good.

I immediately asked again: "Do you have any feelings, or is you uncomfortable?"

I don't know where to come out, I suddenly appeared in front of him, "I'm old, you know, the living person is best not to see the ghost, or because of your own limit, either, there must be a bad luck, it is not Good things, the body will be unsuitable. "

When I saw someone who suddenly came to the previous, Longying's face didn't speak, and the white could be robbed: "The ghost is full of yin, people are the yang, if it is wrapped in the ghost, the yang is slow Disappearing, it means that it is not far from death. There is no yang, then it must be yin. Wind, this is why some people can see something that others can't see before you are dead. "

"You have a demon confusing!" Dragon Eagle's face is more difficult, but the inner heart is a little different.

The hearts of Longyin Lin also got it, but the face is still immediately: "Don't think that you are a young man, we can't, how are you?"

"Yeah! I didn't think so, I just told you something you don't know, so that you have prepared." White has no nipple, if there is a smile, look at their father and son two .

Longhua listened to his heart and followed uncomfortable, some fur, but also, I don't know if he feels, he feels the cold in front of it.

Tao: "Young people, rice can be eaten, can not talk about it."

It's going to see him, look at his face, a pair is very serious.

This makes Longhua feel uncomfortable, immediately: "What do you see?"

"Please don't say straightforward, this old, I see your hand in the Holden, there is a silky surrounded by the eyes, remind you, don't be careful, don't go to the place, don't die The people are waiting in the house. "White has no normal speech.

When I heard this, Longhua's face immediately changed: "A sent a non-whistle!"

White is not often laughing: "Let me not believe you, don't say that Xiaoye didn't remind you." Then, I glanced over the Dragon.

Long Yongxianshe is retracted, avoiding his sight, "What do you see?"


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