After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2421 He! Must have a harder

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The ink and the night can not help but surprised. Why did they hear it?

"Big Brother? What is going on? You don't know if you don't know?" Mr.'s horror showed him.

Yun Hao looked at them two eyes and shook it and "never known."

The month will look at the reactions in each of them, and the heart is also initially judged, can not help but helpless, it is really a matter of unscrupulous master ...

What should Master do?

If it is not too likely to report to Yun Yun, otherwise, it will not save him, and he will not accept him.

The moon is still very well understood by the Master Yunyang. He is a knife mouth bean rot. He has long known that after she returns to the return of memory, it will ring all the things related to Yunyi.

In this case, how can I push other women in the hearts of my apprentices?

I want to go first, the moon is still the key reason for it, I am afraid I have to wait for his Master.

Yan Xiuzhi saw the moon, and then he saw a few responses in Yun Yun, and asked: "Shi Shii tells you?"

Yun Wei was suddenly rolled out: " ?"

I nodded from the month. "Well, she also said that the draft is said."

"Epic?" Longfei night suddenly unexpected.

The moon ink glare is a bit, and then the opening: "I know, the epic is coming, the relationship is relatively intimate. Just, why, they know, we have never heard it? I don't know yourself. "

Several people's faces are not silent.

Longfei night, I immediately said: "This matter is serious, it is not a joke, and the dusty identity is a marriage contract with the sanctuary of the Shengya. This time you have two relationships, the holy area is not late. Not come, this time is just just right, isn't it just hit? At this time, it is really troublesome with the sanctuary. It is very troublesome, and it is easy to follow the ink, and there is a sudden joy. Did not solve it. "

"Now, I have an essay, how to do it?"

Yun Yun's face was black and black, and immediately said: "Is there a credibility of this matter?"

Looked at him in the moon, somewhat ... "90% ..."

"Who is so dusty!" Longfei night really couldn't help but shite.

"My Master." The month is calm, and the tone is faint.

Longfei night didn't think, immediately smash the sleeves: "He! You must packed up for a meal, or you don't know!"


Everyone in the hall all looks at him, and the eyes are weak.


Longfei night suddenly stunned, after it coming, suddenly, smiled, immediately: "This, I am not angry ..."

The face of Yun Wei's face is a black and black. If Yunyang is here, he may really not say that it will be played directly, even if it is a prostator?

I feel that the men around you are emotional, and the month will leave the mouth. "Well, I believe that Master will not really dismantle us, but I don't understand what he does this. However, even if you have no Dust identity and Liu Cheng Jun booked a marriage contract? We two together, is it a holy area to stop? "

Yun Yuzhen looked at the moon to leave to his own pair of eyes, as a pot of clear springs gave the inner flame.

The look of the face is gradually eased, and the corner is bent, "if they stop, it is."


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