Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! If Yun Yun, if it is also in the field, it is estimated that it will have to sigh, these two are really offering!

Longfei night looked at them and saw a look. Can't help but think of it, and then I can't help but said: "When is my small art come ... '

Next, I suddenly glanced at a few dislikes, and the monthly ink is straight: "You should not talk at this time."

"Hey, I just want my family's small art. You still don't think it?" Longfei night directly back to the moon white.

The month is said: "Okay, no matter what, the sanctuary knows what we will act, let's wait, other waiting for my master to ask him to know."

Several people also know that the clearer this is still the Yunyang, I can only wait for him to better solve.

"His old man is best to give me a reasonable explanation." Yun Wei is secluded, and his face is cold.

The moon is not talking, anyway, no matter what, he is died.

Heavy color is all-color, and then turn it out.

White is always followed by it.


"Wang! I have something wrong!" Black is not always satisfied with the color.

, "What's wrong?"

"The ghost town of Wu Tousian ghost king was killed, and the five rounds were chaos. Some of the deaths fled that the yin of the government has ordered a large number of qi to catch, but there is still a little soul left the meditation, and the girth of the government The news from the next statement said that this accident, from the signs of signs, it seems more like someone in the manipulation. "Black could said.

After listening to this news, the brow of the Qing Dust has been screwed, and the cool voice immediately asked: "How did they leave the death?"

White is already surprised, and I am busy: "Is there a trim door? Isn't there a special q??

"Back to the king, the tone is being smashed, all the soul fly, even if you want to track, there is no way." Black is not always tone, and some heartache said.

The scorpion of the Qing Dust suddenly flashed, floating dark red, and then disappeared, a cold, and immediately said: "Order, let Zhong Yin speed lead a thousand ghosts, Tonight You must see people, the death defense is doubled, the murderer must be found, the list of those deaths that will escape will give this king. "

Black immerses, rush to see: "Yes! It is going to do this."

A flashes, the figure has disappeared.

There is no common speech: "Wang, can kill the ghost king, the other strength is very strong! And also understand the Wangcheng defense for the death of the world, will this happen to the inner ghost?"

Hell is busy agriculture: "I also think that we are neither like this four-way octave to go, where there is, every city is divided into interface. All walks of life, can pass through the door, can also Quickly solved the Qianjie Town, I am afraid it is strength and also understands the death. "

"Wang, what should I do? If you don't check it out, what should I do if the other party will put the 18th floor hell?" Prison is very urgent.


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