After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2462 that, how do you not eat?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! I am very excited to pay for it, I shouted: "Hey! In the search!"

"Are you happy? Do you think it? Hey!" Yan Shii smiled at her.

And I will always have a bit of blood, where is she happy? Is she clearly anger?

The face of Fu Xinyu is 5 or six times before, two blushing, so look, it is really like fat fat.

Both are big ...

Liu Chengjun is busy: "Heart is rain, quiet."

When I paid Yu Yu suddenly wronned, but still nodded, after retreating to the body, when the eyes were seeing Xiao Kai, I can't wait to poke the hole in her.

The table is also Taisheng, but the aisle between the two tables does not depose a table.

Liu Chengjun saw this, softly advised: "Yu girl, there is too narrow here, you don't have your desk, you see, do you want to change your place?"

Longfei night suddenly laughed, "This is simple! We move over there, can n't you?"

"Well, it is very convenient." Moon white said that he has already started to push the table, hey, and Yun Yuzhen is close together.

Liu Chengjun's face is nauseated, and then barely puls out a smile, "it is very good."

Qi Xiaohan immediately gave them three gods of praise. "You are really good! Thank you!"

"Don't need, helping others is good for our spirits," Longfei night is very calm. "

Lu Yan suffocated his eyes, "Hey, stinky boy, will say this."

"Is this not very good?" The two elders exposed a smile.

Monthly, I have been eating slowly with Yun Yu, but the ear is listening to the movement next to it. The moon is laughing in my heart, and it is a little bit of good luck.

A person who is different in this table of Liu Chengjun, and the Shi Yishu is very tube.

Waiting for Shi Xiaoni, everyone also found that a length of two people, even three people's short table, and Yi Shii sitting just ...

When she is full of food on her table, I immediately slammed the sleeves and fately, and I don't care if I don't care.

The original use of chopsticks, with the last gave up, directly grabbed it.

"I didn't expect, Qi Xiaowei fat even if she can eat it, people don't say, the woman pays attention to their own body?" Li Fan, the Qianlong, immediately sent a feeling.

The city will reply: "Do you have so much? Can you eat, you don't know?"

"Miss, don't you think that her eat is not angry?" Li Fan's eyebrows were slightly.

"What is happening? People didn't let you marry?" The snow is lightly, and he is oblique to him. He turned his head and looked at the Yutiujun.

"She can really be installed."

Qin Huai turned his head asked, "Who are you talking about?"

"Isn't that?" The snow of the snow, the eyes of the snow, and the mouth of Liu Chengjun, the mouth of his mouth evil.

"Okay, people have nothing to do with us, you taste this, this is the egg of the valley beast, contains aura, and it is also very supplemented." Qinhuai said, will put a peeled egg shell whitening egg Put into her bowl.

When I look at the city, I said with him, "Thank you brother."

"You don't have to be polite," Qin Huai looked at it, "Eat it, it is not delicious."

Snow City is now in mind, and it is busy with the head. "Okay."

The full food full of is not enough for a moment, and even a cuisine leaves are invisible.

And I still haven't worried, and turned to look into their desktop, there is still a full food, and her bowl has a chicken leg.

"Amount ... that, why don't you eat?"


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