After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2463 Shengfang Shengfang Pregnancy?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Where is Liu Chengjun and Junfan?

The two of them started from Yan Xiaoqi, and they were particularly disgusted on the fragrance on her. They couldn't eat it at all!

Liu Chengjun calmly replied: "It is already eating."

"Really? Do you say that you are not eaten?" .

Liu Chengjun stunned, should she still want to eat?

The test is said: "If it is what the girl wants, please."

When I heard this, Yan Shii suddenly laughed, "I am so grateful, hahaha! Then I will be welcome!"

He a few times, the food on their tables is all on her table, and there is no one, even the chicken legs in the Liu Chengjun did not let go.

Shi Shi can't help but bow, really can't bear to see it ...

Yan Xiaoqi took the way to slap in his mouth. If it was not just seen that she had already eaten a whole table, she will definitely think she is hungry for many days.

"I finally knew, why she would be so fat ..." Qi Tianlei has a bit of embarrassment.

Ye Liangchen also couldn't help but said: "I finally know, why is Xiaoqi's teacher who never use us together ..."

The disgust in the Dragon Stringent star is deeper, and immediately turns back, "Fortunately ..."

"What are you talking about? What fortunate?" Liu Fang sat in his side and heard can't help but confuse.

The Dragon Strings is slightly shaken, "Nothing."

Liu Fang's appearance is confused, and it will look at the Xiakuni, "Xiao Nai's teacher is so eat, is there a stomach?"

"Oh, she will not be can't stand it, I can't stand it?" The Dragon Stringent star smiled.

I can't help but admire, I didn't expect Yan Xiaoxiu's appetite, and they all spell with green wood.

Thinking of green wood, suddenly hooked a smile, just tonight, they can recover.

The eyes look at the monster of white or often arms, and now it is a moon.

Jun Yinfan is sitting next to Shizui Jun, is completely shocked by her active food.

Purpose of Yu Yu, a deputy, "wide ... wide afraid ..."

"Oh ... Amount ..." ........................,..

"Hey, I thank you."

"No, no." Liu Chengjun immediately replied.


"Vomiting ..." Liu Chengjun did not control, almost spit out.

After this is, Yan Xiaoni is toned, it is more close, and I immediately said: "Southern you are nothing?"

"Nothing." Liu Cheng Jun was busy, but he didn't want her to be close to himself.

Jun Yinfan immediately cared for her: "Sister, you have nothing serious?"

Paying for Yu Yu, I'm going forward to, tense, "sweep a few ..."

"Vomiting ..." Liu Chengjun is a disgusting, completely uncontrolled.

Yan Shiqi was surprised: "Saint girl, you want to vomit? You don't want to vomit?" Just when Liu Chengjun wanted to say something, Yan Xiaomi was exclaimed. "Do you have something to have?"

Liu Chengjun's face changed, "I ..." I don't vomit ... vomiting ... "

At this moment, she is completely uncontrolled, and there is no way to talk at all.

Surrounded by surprised eyes, "the sanctuary of the sanctuary is pregnant? Will it?"

Lin Chang's old face is another time, immediately gets up and rushed over, "Yan girl can't say, our saints are ice and jade, and it has been married with dust-free, now there is pregnant?"


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